Here’s another update ladies & gents...
72 hours (3 days) after planting seed…
96 hours (4 days) after planting seed…she’s about 5 cm (2inches) of height..
After 120 hours (5 days) after planting seed…I’m going to officially call this DAY NUMERO UNO!!. I have seen some growers classifying day 1 as when they planted the seed, but in my case I will be following the Biobizz feeding schedule and they classify day 1 when the plant has 2-4 leaves. Besides that, my substrate was pretty dry (no soil was sticking to my fingers when poking it at numerous spots) so it needs watering and it would be just the right time to start with the root-juice. So this is my reason for me calling this moment my day 1. Here are some pics from day 1..she’s about 5,5 cm (2,17 inches)…
Yesterday I put my water to sit in the bucket with 2 active carbon sponges pad (I use
these) and an aquarium air pump (100 liters/hour). The reason I take this step is to remove the possible chlorine, ozone and peroxide that may still be present in my tap water. This is me doing my best to grow organic…
The water has been sitting for about 18 hours. I pHed the water to 6,9. I added ¼ the recommended Biobizz dosage which was ¼ mL/L. The easiest way I find to measure such small quantities is with the help of a manual propipetter…
I have a 1mL and a 5mL. I already had these which I use to fertilize my planted aquarium.
I used a cup to gently pour the water on the substrate. I first poured about 2/3 of my water (I didn’t have no run off yet). After about 15 minutes later I poured the rest and got a nice run off.
After letting it drip for 15 minutes I poured the run off into a bowl to test the pH, but it got contaminated when I accidentally knocked over a glass of water, so I didn’t even bother testing the pH…next time then…
I have the smartpot raised (so air can pass underneath the pot). When the water drips it splashes a bit outside my drainage container I have underneath the pot. So I wiped the sides and the bottom of the tent down with some white vinegar, which is a natural disinfectant, hereby also removing the small substrate particles that were blown out of the pot by the clip-on fan I have for circulating air. I like to keep it clean…
Reading for lights
off are:
23,8C (74,8F)
67% RH
Readings for lights
on are:
26,5C (79,7)
This is it for now…I don’t think I forgot anything I wanted to say. So yeah…thnx guys and gyals if you’re still around.
Be safe..