New Grower First ever grow...Think Different...101% organic using LED lights

Agree with Noods completely, I have actually used biobizz and it's quite acidic. There are chelates in it as well so it gets to the plant quickly. Looking good man, sending monster plant vibes your way!!
Day 5

What is there to say??...I realized that she was leaning a bit which was a bit strange, but then I saw that my lights were a bit off-center and maybe she is really really wanting to be literally in the middle of the spotlights, so I adjusted the lights a bit so she's now dead in the middle. Hopefully this will let her straighten up a bit. For the rest I think everything is under control. She was last watered on day 1 and the substrate is still moist.







Yeahh...this is it for now...

Be safe ladies n gents...

As you were.

I'm growing think different under a 180w (actual draw) vipar led here's a pic its the one on the right they are day 41 from seed 20141020_171301.jpg
I'm growing think different under a 180w (actual draw) vipar led here's a pic its the one on the right they are day 41 from seed View attachment 392096

Hi mate, i'm using almost the same amount of drawn wattage as you (174W, measured by a fellow grower on this forum using the same brand and model). I have a question, did you experience the cal/mag deficiency issue? If yes, when did the deficiency start showing itself? This deficiency depends of course on what substrate you're using and what your feeding regiment is. I'm just curious how you went about it seeing you've got almost the same amount of wattage as me.

Good luck with your grow.

You're off to an excellent first start bro! Got a source of Cal Mag? Autos, especially under led, and extra especially a monster like TD is going to need some Cal and Mag :) there's a great organic and inexpensive source easily available, called CaMg+ by General Organics, I'm using some now and very happy with it.
Top o' the morning to you lads..:tiphat:...(it's morning's also 17 o' clock :Cheers:)

Day 7

On day 5 I set the plant in the dead center of the two lights because she was leaning a bit, however she's is still choosing to be directly underneath one of them. As you can see on the following pic she is choosing the light on the right.


I don't want to start fiddling with her physically just yet and maybe stunt her. So I decided to just adjust the lights at an angle like the following pic and let her be for now.


I'm going to put a scrog in place, so eventually she'll get bent and give in to me anyways...:BottomBeater:...So maybe it's a good thing she started practicing already??...:twist:...She's looking nice and healthy and have no issues (yet). Here are some more pics.







The substrate is still a bit moist from day 1, so no watering yet. When I do so I'll promise you will be the first to read all about it, scouts honor!!..

I'm gonna make like a fetus and head out now. You guys be safe..

Very cool bro! I have a Think Different myself at a pretty similar age. Mines a few days, to a week older. It's gonna be fun to watch yours and Bandits and compare!
Never had any issues with cal mag but been feeding them calmag at 2ml per litre since since about 2 weeks growing in plant magic plus soil...
You're off to an excellent first start bro! Got a source of Cal Mag? Autos, especially under led, and extra especially a monster like TD is going to need some Cal and Mag :) there's a great organic and inexpensive source easily available, called CaMg+ by General Organics, I'm using some now and very happy with it.

:thank: man....I've got epsom salt and blackstrap molasses. I thought of making my own eggshell powder if needed. I'm actually curious when/if the calmag deficiency will show itself because my water is quite hard with a pH of 8,5. I didn't want to spend the money on an ec-meter just so I can measure the ec of my tapwater and since i'm using biobizz it isn't needed to measure the ec of my feedings.
I also didn't want to start using epsom salt/molasses/eggshell powder as prevention because I am interested in seeing if/when the deficiency will show itself using my hard tapwater. Call it experimenting, curiosity, stupidity or whatever. I want to be able to experience these issues/problems, learn from them and tackle them if/when they arise.

I appreciate your post mister Anthroplis. I'll check if they sell CaMg+ here and how much they sell it for. Just in case it is needed next to the epsom salt/molasses/eggshell powder I would know where to get it.

You guys will be the first to read if/when (probably "when") my plant starts showing calmag deficiency.

Peace 'n love señores...

fill up ur pot with more soil up to her 2 round leaves, she will grow more roots off that stem and become bigger plant also keep her more sturdy. my 2 cents