First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

like a4 said, lst is lookin solid. now just feed those girls until they're fat, my dude.
Nice!!!:headbang: yea there only a couple branches ahead of the game but only by an inch or so... If they jump to far ahead I'll just give a Lil tie back. And thank you for the props on my LST work.... I'm pretty stoked about how well it's went. I'm seeing alot of purple stems now and a couple were purple all the way through.... I think it's genetics though because I seen that @Heavily Medicated had full purple stems here and there on his grow of the same strain....I think I will b watering in about 2-3 days. Let them dry out a little and fully recover from the over watering. I'm also setting aside a longer period in my day for watering time because I want to do it slow and even as to not over water again. So hopefully I'm problem free for the next week. My soil PH reader said it's a tiny over 7.0 but there's no way to calibrate it and it was $10 so probably not super accurate but figured I'd check....
Nice!!!:headbang: yea there only a couple branches ahead of the game but only by an inch or so... If they jump to far ahead I'll just give a Lil tie back. And thank you for the props on my LST work.... I'm pretty stoked about how well it's went. I'm seeing alot of purple stems now and a couple were purple all the way through.... I think it's genetics though because I seen that @Heavily Medicated had full purple stems here and there on his grow of the same strain....I think I will b watering in about 2-3 days. Let them dry out a little and fully recover from the over watering. I'm also setting aside a longer period in my day for watering time because I want to do it slow and even as to not over water again. So hopefully I'm problem free for the next week. My soil PH reader said it's a tiny over 7.0 but there's no way to calibrate it and it was $10 so probably not super accurate but figured I'd check....
yeah man set aside plenty of time. when i have to go back into my grow room it takes me a couple hours to hand water everything because i got girls of all different ages with different needs. quite a chore to say the least.
Yea I'm realizing I can't feed them all at the same time. I can feed same amounts but they are needing it about a day or two apart so I'm going to have to work with them more individually now.... Shoot for the moon I keep telling them though lol
Well I'm doing a straight RO watering tomorrow as things are not looking good so hopefully I can level out my issue before I detrimentally decrease my yield and my potency.....: ( they could use water right now but I didn't have time this weekend to get any so I have to hit the grow shop nice and early tomorrow and get some water. All are very dry and ready. I worked a twelve hour shift today and just got to them..... Very dry soil. Almost no new growth today. Major discoloration.... Temps are around 25-26c.... Lights over two feet away from highest branch. RH is around 40%. The problem is in the soil :( I can't buy new soil and a root system and just fix the problem either lol.... Takes time which I don't have with these autos. Lol really fucked this grow up boys!!!!! This is really dropping my moral and I think I need to invest in some PH control/ reading devices and some different nutrients cause fox farms and I don't work well together..... Hopefully with more studying and learning from my mistakes this grow I will b able to get the next grow right lol.... Might have to take a few week break when this is done so I can get some money together and buy some more shit so I can full proof my grow lol.... Without further ado.....
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@A4..... I'm going to b waiting for my shop to open in the morning and will b watering right away.... Any final thoughts or change in plans with the current pictures? Nitrogen deficiency caused by lock out maybe? Was looking at infirmary guide to deficiencies.... Looks about dead on..... No new growth today could b because they are dry or locked out.... If u don't see this I'm going to do what we discussed and water evenly and slowly with straight RO.... Nothing at all added.... Not even a dog hair lol. Hopefully I can turn this around yet....
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WOW, that was ultra quick. Man it was just a few days ago that they looked sparkling.

Alright, for sure, don't get discouraged! This is something every grower goes through all the time. Even the best of them. It isn't how you start, it is how you finish.

That is definitely N deficiency but screw me how did it come on so quick??? Are they stretching a lot right now? The good thing about lack of N is, it is easy to fix. I am worried about pH but really all we have to go on right now is those leaves and those leaves are saying feed me. You didn't start feeding bloom nutes yet have you? You are going to have to get some Grow Big in there pretty quickly, preferably tonight if you have time. I don't know the FF feed schedule but whatever it is, use the amount recommended. Don't worry about over feeding because she needs food. A good watering with food.

Man, I am sorry about asking you not to feed her. I was worried that you were overdoing it with the calmag but now I see that wasn't the case and feel responsible for this. I feel terrible but that doesn't really help anything.
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I have five gallons RO water right now and it's about 2.5 gallons that was mixed with FF grow big and big bloom, which is not the blossom builder but an organic fertilizer with NPK of .01-.3-.7..... Grow big is 6-4-4..... It has 1/4 recommended dose of each mixed in that 2.5 gallons. Never used blossom builder yet. But the downside is I mixed 2.5 gallons of RO water mixed with quarter recommended dose calimagic all n one bucket because I was giving left over nutes to a dying outside plant for shits and gigs....I can add in 1/2 the recommended dose of grow big in the five gallons which would be a 3/4 recommended feeding or I could add 3/4 and it would have a full feeding worth.... But with calimagic.... That's only way I can feed tonight and its lights out in 13 minutes should I just turn my timer to on so I can work on watering them. This would b my only solution for immediate situation.... Not your fault bro. I take shitty pics and don't blog exactly what I'm doing very well.... We will get this buddy. Thanks for everything...:)