New Grower First ever grow, Northern Lights auto. Wish me luck!

Day 65: quiet one today, no trim, no water, just letting her be happy

Day 66: She had 5L of pH 5.67/1640ppm with runoff of pH 6.28/2150ppm and her usual round of trimming.
She is so dense that I wonder if enough air is circulating in that fuzzball, have adjusted and upped the oscillating fan speed a touch.

Day 67: 3L of pH 5.67/1640ppm with runoff of pH 6.29/1840ppm. No trim today. She seems quite content with the world.


Not the best pic but I see the first 'sugar' beginning to appear on the sugar leaves of the top bud

Flowers flowers everywhere!


Day 68: Another 2.5L of pH 5.59/1600ppm with a RO of pH 6.29/2160ppm. Trimmed a few leaves but they are increasingly tight to the stems. I fear it is now beyond the realms of mortal man to tame. She is so dense that nothing short of a machete is getting through. I don't want to be that aggressive at this stage and the men are weary. There won't be much airflow around the buds and there as many tops again as you can see below, hidden, as they are under the first layer of canopy. They will get no light. We set off again at dawn...

"By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination. Christopher MoonUnit Columbus
