Grow Mediums First Coco Grow tips?

Dont let the coco dry out ever. I mean you can to encourage root growth but Grat3ful H3ad, over on IC has success watering everyday from when he plants seeds (day 1).
I use radicle grow bags which blow ordinary fabric pots out of the water. I was running Canna nutes (a+b and Pk 13/14. Everything else isnt worth spending money on because it makes little difference. Boost foliared lasts forever). This coco run im currently on is nothing but Mega Crop.
I heard from Guru, on the dude grows show, that amending coco throws off that balance between the buffering and the cation exchange capacity between coco and the nutrient youre trying to use. Re using coco is a bad thing as well he says that when you reuse coco (especially if its used in salt intensive fertilizing programs) its gonna slowly lose that charge(CEC I believe) and once it loses that charfe you start to run into some weird ph (looks like PH) and micro and macro nutrient deficiencies. If you re use coco you lose that consistency and control.
Also avoid high concntrations of Na in your feed. This messes with the cation exchange.
EC and PH runoff in coco arent accurate. As long as you feed between 5.8-6.3 the exceptional buffering capabilities of coco will keep ph in check.
I transplant from rockwoolto coco and all goes smooth.
If using canna coco nutes, 7-8ml/gal is a good dose. Use Pk at around 2.5mls/gal in weeks 2-5 of flower.
If you want to multifeed then I suggest to never go beyond 1.4 EC. If you do even with excessive runoff their will eventually be build up thus creating lockout and even worse burn.
Contrary to popular believe or maybe im just a dumbass (Canna says growing in coco is idiot proof in their brochure) if you do not have the proper ratios of nutrients and you see deficiencies. Do not add what you think you need to add, for example, you see a calcium deficiency. Dont add calcium. Most often your nutrient ratios will be off. Ever heard of antagonism or synergism.
Coco can be a real bitch (at least for my dumbass). Im starting to slowly master this media. I suggest heading over to International Cannagraphic (sorry AFN) they have stickies over there that get down to explaing all the cation exchange, buffering, etc., its the best forum for coco info honestly. But I like it here too. Good luck man!!
So far no problems with the Canna coco no washing before hand or anything. I flushed the coco yesturday and im Switching to bloom nutes today.
Idk im using the advanced nutrients coco nutes theres a&b grow and a&b bloom I use both. Ive never used the canna a & b so I wouldent know.
I just started yesterday and im using the cana coco and 30%perilite and 10%vermiculite. And i got the Advanced Nutrients PH perfect sensi grow a&b and i have all the fox farm nutes as well if i need them and cal-mag. But the sensi grow has all that in it. Only problem im having is that advanced nutrients dosent have detailed instructions and dont answer my e-mails wich pisses me off. What PH is your water? Mines at like 6.4 wich i heard is a little high for coco. 6.2
So far no ph problems im using the ph perfect advanced nutrients line
What do you guys do when you wash your coco to reuse?
So far I haven't reused my coco. It's $10 for 40L brick of cannacoco so just been going with new. I did save my coco from last run and took out the bigger chunks of roots so I can try to reuse instead of putting in the compost pile. I'll probably pot it back up and run water through for a bit, then press out whatever water I can get, dump back in rubbermaid tote so I'm able to do my normal precharge with calmag, nutrient solution.
Ive heard that coco works better after its been ran a few times but who knows. Im just gonna rinse it toughly with ph'd water till I run at low ppm and repot it. Ive heard of using pond enzymes as well but I think thats for low grade coco. Im using canna as well just not in brick form.