I am about to start my first autogrow. I will be putting my seedlings straight into my final grow pot. Can someone help me understand the amount of water I need to give my seedling to start with. E.g 2.5ml or 5ml
Slowly and gradually increase the amount of water in every watering session, until you reach the 1 liter. This is basically the maximum your pot can take without run off. When you reach this amount, at the beginning it will take 5 to 7 days to dry, but as the roots and the plant grow bigger, the soil will be drying in 3-4 days. At the end of flowering this will decrease to every day. One liter of water is an ideal dose in many respects. First of all it is safe with nutrients and you can avoid nutrient burn with this amount. Also it is easy to calculate the nutrient dose without complicated mathematics. You avoid run off which is depleting soil from nutrients and must be avoided. It dries easily so humidity is under control. And so many other simple but important everyday grow factors will run smoothly.
Thank youSlowly and gradually increase the amount of water in every watering session, until you reach the 1 liter. This is basically the maximum your pot can take without run off. When you reach this amount, at the beginning it will take 5 to 7 days to dry, but as the roots and the plant grow bigger, the soil will be drying in 3-4 days. At the end of flowering this will decrease to every day. One liter of water is an ideal dose in many respects. First of all it is safe with nutrients and you can avoid nutrient burn with this amount. Also it is easy to calculate the nutrient dose without complicated mathematics. You avoid run off which is depleting soil from nutrients and must be avoided. It dries easily so humidity is under control. And so many other simple but important everyday grow factors will run smoothly.