WEEK 8 Update - The bud growth is filling in the stalk but are not "swelling" yet. My Northern Lights/Big Bud is farther ahead than the Blue Dream & Wild Thai. The NLBB is demanding most of the space and lights so the other two are farther behind. The NLBB breeding time is supposed to be 45-55 days which means about 70 days. I have ordered some Recharge for my younger plants, maybe I'll give it to these as well. Feeding Schedule:
NLBB/ ph'd water & 1/2 tsp.Cha Ching (2nd feed) 2 tsp.TB, 1/2 tsp. Cal Mag, +Recharge
BD & Wt/ ph'd water & 1/2 tsp. Beastie Bloomz (2nd feed) 1.5 tsp TB, 1/2 BB, 1/2 Cal Mag, +Recharge
At this point I am just watching the pistils turn orange and await the swelling I should see in the buds. It will be another two weeks.