@Zeromitch Good lookin’ out man! What kind you got? I’m looking to start maybe one more.
Yes you will need to start feeding around the 4th week. What you use will depend on if you want to go organic or salt. Organic fertilizers are slower to get to the plant so you will want to start a little bit sooner than with salts.@Mañ'O'Green Do you recommend I use any nutrients/fertilizers with Happy Frog/Ocean Forest, guy at the Hydro store said the soil should be good on everything for 3-4 weeks. Maybe Down To Earth 4-8-4 once it starts flowering?
I have granddaddy purple auto and blue dream auto from them and they are the bomb, 1 is my day time smoke and the other is night time, i sometimes hit them every other hit haha good stuff.@Zeromitch Good lookin’ out man! What kind you got? I’m looking to start maybe one more.
Get some "buildaflower top dress kit" and barley straw mulch from "build a soil.com" and top dress about an inch of it at 3 weeks, then at 5 and 7 weeks and water with 1 tbsp black strap molasses per gallon of water and make your life really easy. Ive done it in containers as small as 1 gallon lolguy at the Hydro store said the soil should be good on everything for 3-4 weeks. Maybe Down To Earth 4-8-4 once it starts flowering?
Looks happier already@Tom Bombadil @Mañ'O'GreenThanks for the replies from everyone, just gave her a good watering. Will update at the end of the week, be patient with me
Get some "buildaflower top dress kit" and barley straw mulch from "build a soil.com" and top dress about an inch of it at 3 weeks, then at 5 and 7 weeks and water with 1 tbsp black strap molasses per gallon of water and make your life really easy. Ive done it in containers as small as 1 gallon lol