New Grower first auto journal

Day 55 i think ?

here's a few more pic's. all is well and the aroma is getting strong and the bud's a little bigger and frostier


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same situation here Spanglish. more to do with keeping the wife happy lol

Haha yeah i hear you there bro, she is a non smoker and dont stop nagging about my grows. Drives me nuts each time, but just sit back smoke and keep on nodding till the noise from her stops, dont get me wrong love her to bits but wish she would back off sometimes, but guess i can see where she is coming from (just about).

Went away for two weeks last year and left one of my Big Bangs in the lounge in front of the glass door so she would get some sun, when i got back she had gone full into flower and the house stunk up for about 3 days, thought she was gonna kill me the second i opened the door lol.
My wife mellowed on my growing once we started Vaping ... we Vape from morning til nite ... no smell on clothes or breath ... when I wake up I can tell by the tone of her voice if we need to Vape as soon as we wake up or if I can wait til after breakfast ... when I wait too long my sweet wife becomes less sweet ... I would vape less often if it weren't for keeping my wife mellow ...
Hey Elsamurai

Congratulations on your grow , fine looking job ,but now you really have me worried . As stated earlier on I have 10 plants in a 55" x 28 " tent and if I get half the success that you have there's going to be wall to wall green lol. Mine are at 22 days and here's what I've got .1Z8A3329.jpg
Hey Elsamurai

Congratulations on your grow , fine looking job ,but now you really have me worried . As stated earlier on I have 10 plants in a 55" x 28 " tent and if I get half the success that you have there's going to be wall to wall green lol. Mine are at 22 days and here's what I've got .View attachment 416141

you sir, are going to have a jungle lol
DIY filter

got back from the hardware store and the grocery store.
item's: 4 in dia x 2 ft pvc pipe
4 in x 8 ft flex ducting
4 in dryer flange
1 can Lysol sray (where to get lemongrass oil ?)
1 bag bbq charcoal
ok, I drilled hole's on 1 side of bucket
cut pvc pipe to fit in bucket and drilled hole's on the bottom half
cut a hole in top of bucket lid for the dryer flange
screwed flange onto the bucket lid and sealed the edge's
I put the lid on to insure fit and marked the bottom of the bucket where the pvc tube sat
I duct taped fish filter material inside the bucket,covering the drilled holes and sprayed the filter stuff with the lysol
put the pvc tube in the bucket and filled with charcoal
I secured the lid and filled the tube with charcoal
connected the ducting to the bucket and connected it to the cab exhaust
I don't know yet if this will work and I cant take credit for dreaming this up as I'm sure I read about this some where. it does work as a muffler though. i'll let you all know if this work's later today as they seem to put off more odor after light's out


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Looks like you are all sorted for now then, very nice idea you got there. As for the lemongrass oil, would say any new age health store or herbalist, is also on Amazon and Ebay.

Nice save and heres hoping the wife is happy with it now.
My wife mellowed on my growing once we started Vaping ... we Vape from morning til nite ... no smell on clothes or breath ... when I wake up I can tell by the tone of her voice if we need to Vape as soon as we wake up or if I can wait til after breakfast ... when I wait too long my sweet wife becomes less sweet ... I would vape less often if it weren't for keeping my wife mellow ...

Ditto Chester!
the filter passed the wife test. now my garage smell's like a lady's room at a 5 star resort lol