New Grower first auto journal

Man, it's like being a kid on Christmas!

I even snuck downstairs twice during the night just to peak in the room. Then I'd drift back to sleep with a satisfied smile on my face :)

don't sweat it opi. these are exciting time's for us!
You know...

I read everyone's advice on how you shouldn't sample early, you shouldn't disturb the buds while drying, you shouldn't open the jars while curing, blah blah blah...

I can't help but to wonder how many of us actually practice what we preach...

I sure the hell don't.

But I'll give that advice till I'm blue in the face. Lol

I know. I keep huffing the bag's lol
They look awesome bro. Well done, cant wait till the final weigh in and smoke report. Kudos.
maybe after 100 grow's and 100 full jar's to sample from, maybe. till then I gotta do what you gotta do lol
Dang man, 2 ounces from a 6" pot.:tiphat:
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Well the boss lady said she can smell it again, so time to come down. 67 day's in a way too small pot I guess is pretty good for my 1st auto. although I'm quite pleased with the result's there are thing's i'll do different next time. first up, a BIGGER pot lol. the only other thing is to reconfigure the grow cab. I'm going to add on an area for the heater as it take's up enough room for 1 more plant. now for the detail's
Auto Seed's Auto Chemdog
6"x6" pot
lighting: cfl's for the beginning, then Taotronic's 135w ufo led and 96x3 mars-hydro reflector
soil: ffof rinsed out with vermiculite (switching to pearlite and cutting the ff with sunshine mix #4)
nute's: ff trio with beastie bloom's and cha-ching (thank's for the tip, Trapper)
room temp's 65-87f RH 30-60 till the last couple week's then 25-40 24/7 for 5 week's or so then 18/6 to finish
to say I'm happy with the result's is an understatement. a certain feeling of liberation that I am self sufficient and no longer have to buy crap or pay way too much for anything decent. and if the early bud I took is any indication, I grow better weed than they sell! and did I mention that it's fun?
big,big shout out to my AFN family, with out you this would never had been possible. many thanks Friend's:grat:
did I mention 270 gram's wet? not sure what the dry estimate is, 20% ? and LOOK AT THAT COLA! flippin huge!
feel free to check out my try at some seed's in my next adventure, the link is below

:drool: Dammmmm elsa, too bad about the boss, but I'm sure you and your friend will be very happy!
Well the boss lady said she can smell it again, so time to come down. 67 day's in a way too small pot I guess is pretty good for my 1st auto. although I'm quite pleased with the result's there are thing's i'll do different next time. first up, a BIGGER pot lol. the only other thing is to reconfigure the grow cab. I'm going to add on an area for the heater as it take's up enough room for 1 more plant. now for the detail's
Auto Seed's Auto Chemdog
6"x6" pot
lighting: cfl's for the beginning, then Taotronic's 135w ufo led and 96x3 mars-hydro reflector
soil: ffof rinsed out with vermiculite (switching to pearlite and cutting the ff with sunshine mix #4)
nute's: ff trio with beastie bloom's and cha-ching (thank's for the tip, Trapper)
room temp's 65-87f RH 30-60 till the last couple week's then 25-40 24/7 for 5 week's or so then 18/6 to finish
to say I'm happy with the result's is an understatement. a certain feeling of liberation that I am self sufficient and no longer have to buy crap or pay way too much for anything decent. and if the early bud I took is any indication, I grow better weed than they sell! and did I mention that it's fun?
big,big shout ou to my AFN family, with out you this would never had been possible. many thanks Friend's:grat:
did I mention 270 gram's wet? not sure what the dry estimate is, 20% ? and LOOK AT THAT COLA! flippin huge!
feel free to check out my try at some seed's in my next adventure, the link is below

I'm envious, El!!!! That is some root bound plant ya had there...operative word...HAD! Congrats!:kusht:
Killed it on your first auto grow bro...
Well done some of this coming :slap: your way..

Never achieved such an early harvest my self big ups!
thanks B. the best thing I did was come here and look for info and read jounal's for a couple of month's before I started. everybody, newb or seasoned has helped in one way or another. and again congrat' on the BOM/NOM.