Okay,it's been three days since I last posted. Here is an update. I fed the girls on the 9th @ an 1/8 strength of grow big and an 1/8 strength of tiger bloom and 5ml calmag and they took 2 liters each. You will see by the pics that girl number 1(under the mars)was already flowering as girl number 2 was a little behind(that's why I decided to put the viparspectra on her)and she is starting to catch up. Girl number 2 is more bushier than her sister. The forth coming pics are girl number 1
The jug is for size reference (gallon)
Now for girl number 2 the bushy girl
This last pic is of the top of girl number 2(she's catching up)
Here is 2 pics of them inside the tent before removing for pics
You can see I removed the widow clones and will be moving girl number 2 over as I will be "LSTing" maybe today. The pots are lite they need watered again but they just got water+feed so will probably give just water tomorrow(that way I can get 2 waterings a week)
I will post pics later after I tie the girls up[emoji847]. :: pass ::
Sorry I notice the first pics are of girl number 1 so if I labeled them wrong in my typing just use the pic of number 1 as the first to start flowering and she is under the mars....wow I'm stoned!
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