New Grower First auto grow

Little update,last night (1/26/17) I gave the gals their first full watering till 10-15 percent run off. I added 1ml calmag with the gallon of water and gave 1L the ppm was 450 and the ph of solution going in was 6.7. The run off (first run off test) was 6.3 are a couple of pics of them tonight @ 2 weeks old.

Now just to show the growth here is the first plant from the side

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Well all is still the same except for I believe they got bigger,I still mist the plants twice a day here are the girls this morning after there morning mist.........

This pic is the First Lady in the first pic

This is the lady in the rear....what y'all think

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Nice job man looking healthy!

Thanks Holmes, all I'm doing is misting and letting them do what they are bread to do.......GROW!

It's now 18 days out of soil for the girls,thought I would send a couple of pics of them in normal light.thinking I need to start nutes in like 3-10 days as ten days will be a month old 3 days will be three weeks and I believe that roots organic soil is good for 3-4 weeks of feed itself I also wonder when people think might be a good time to bend the girls over?

Those are one lady,here is the other,look at her insides.

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