New Grower First Auto Grow - Think Different

Thanks everyone again for all the kind words, Glad your enjoying the show Savage, ninja1, loud, and were not finished yet, Tony cant wait to try it once it's properly cured, but even uncured it's a bit special, also dying to find out what J TaNg and Komach are growing. hope it's some big ass autos that i get on the ScrOG. I will ask the good people here at AFN to select the picture they like the best to enter in the DP monthly photo comp. this is just such a great forum, so much love in room :peace: Hazy

Edit : Just noticed that the journal has reached 10,000 views. WOW.... Thanks to everyone for watching, i'm very humbled by the whole experience.
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This is the one that made my do a Full Stop and simply a forum full of Beautiful Autos and Great Auto Growers this shot stood out for me.

Beautiful Grow Hazy...:clap: :clap: :clap:...I'll keep my Fingers Crossed that you Win something for making DP's genetic look so Cool.....

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Thanks mossy, coming from the person who has given the auto world so many great strains, really means alot. I will put this shot in the short list. And thanks again :peace: Hazy Tony will tell can make the best genetic in the World but you need a Great Grower to show them off to their Best...and you done DP Proud Bro...

Everytime we see a grow as Good as this and Auto Toll Dies...:D..I apllaud your Troll killing skills...:ama:
hazy!:bow::bow: i get a lump in my chest when i look upon your verdent blue hills!...+rep :buds: Tony will tell can make the best genetic in the World but you need a Great Grower to show them off to their Best...and you done DP Proud Bro...

Everytime we see a grow as Good as this and Auto Toll Dies...:D..I apllaud your Troll killing skills...:ama:

Mossy i used to be one of the biggest auto sceptics at one time, but i've been saved, hallelujah.... lol. I honestly do think they stack up against photos now, if not better :peace: Hazy
Damn HAZY. Miss a day and its like 3 pages to read bro .....damn dude u should be like the High times photographs of the month ...can't send Rep but fine grow sir ...please teach me SCROG LOL ...amazing brudda!!
Hello Hazy!

Would you ever consider putting together a scrog guide for autos? With your photography and scrogging skills it would be amazing!!

Congrats on the 10k views and thanks for sharing,

WEEK 10 DAY 70

Harvest of the front plant posponed, still not quite ready. So to keep you going till it does happen, have a bud on me. This is from the runt that has decided to start going purple, and is so much more covered in resin, that is quite hard to get a pic without getting to much glare from the flash. Enjoy.

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