Thanks everyone again for all the kind words, Glad your enjoying the show Savage, ninja1, loud, and were not finished yet, Tony cant wait to try it once it's properly cured, but even uncured it's a bit special, also dying to find out what J TaNg and Komach are growing. hope it's some big ass autos that i get on the ScrOG. I will ask the good people here at AFN to select the picture they like the best to enter in the DP monthly photo comp. this is just such a great forum, so much love in room
Edit : Just noticed that the journal has reached 10,000 views. WOW.... Thanks to everyone for watching, i'm very humbled by the whole experience.

Edit : Just noticed that the journal has reached 10,000 views. WOW.... Thanks to everyone for watching, i'm very humbled by the whole experience.
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