Indoor First Auto Grow, Nirvana Short Ryder LED+CFL

Just took SR#2 out of the bags and into the curing jars she goes. Final dry weight is... drum roll please... 52.3g Looks like the extra time I gave her really paid off, I thought it would be a bit more than SR#1 but not nearly double. I am a bit beside myself, That's a total of 79.9g from one LED fixture and a couple of CFL bulbs, I gotta get more LED's!
Thank you AFN, for I would surely not have done as well with out the support of this community!
I'm sure your results will will put a big ole smile on your face, thanks so much for the kind words I do appreciate it. If you want to speed up drying the outdoor harvest check out the drying in a brown bag thread, I did both Short Riders in paper bags and they were dry in 3-4 days and smelling pretty good to, better than anything I have hung to dry before they cured. I'm really impressed with this method it will be how I dry from now on, super easy too. Just chop it all up into golf ball-ish sized chunks, line the bottom of a brown bag (I used the ones you pack your lunch in) and just fold the top over 3 or 4 times and let sit in a room that's at like 40-50 % rh and in no time you will have smoke-able buds. You can be puffing on your own stuff when the ball drops!:thumbsup:

Thanks for the method, was going to ask you about it as I got 1 more outdoor photo's ready to come down and want to try multiple drying methods before I harvest my indoor precious. Do you remove the stems when cutting them into golf ball size nugs? I wanted to do it with the one I chopped today but wasn't sure if I should cut off all of the stems as far as I can tell or leave a little bit

Dam man 52g thats what I am talking about! very nice, these small ladies already take me an hour and a half to chop, not looking forward to trying to cut my indoor forest.
Very nice looking buds , nice and thick with crystals.

I bet it tastes wonderful !

and a pretty damn good harvest weight Nubbs , good job !
Really liking the paper bag drying method, smell is strong compared to my hanged bud. Taste better too in the vape, thanks again bud.
Nice harvest bro! Just brought a mars 300w panel myself going to run 2 autos as well can't wait. Happy smokes congrats g... :pass:
Nug,how long do you keep your buds in paper bags,what temps. and humidity must be in thet process?
Nug,how long do you keep your buds in paper bags,what temps. and humidity must be in thet process?

Sup ljacve55 I just did the paper bag dry method in about 70-85 Fahrenheit and 60-80% humidity from outside as there was no environment control in my storage room where I placed the bag just had a few windows opened, it was sitting on a table for about 4 days when I noticed it was dry to the touch, could have waited for the 5th day but instead I just opened the jar multiple times the next day and now after a few days its holding stable in the curing range of 60-65 humidity. Open up bag to exchange air when I woke up for the 4 days. Hope this helps you decide
Sup ljacve55 I just did the paper bag dry method in about 70-85 Fahrenheit and 60-80% humidity from outside as there was no environment control in my storage room where I placed the bag just had a few windows opened, it was sitting on a table for about 4 days when I noticed it was dry to the touch, could have waited for the 5th day but instead I just opened the jar multiple times the next day and now after a few days its holding stable in the curing range of 60-65 humidity. Open up bag to exchange air when I woke up for the 4 days. Hope this helps you decide
Thanks,i always dry by hanging but now i wanna try this method.Is it realy this good as they say?
Thanks,i always dry by hanging but now i wanna try this method.Is it realy this good as they say?

I have dried 2 plants using the hanging method, and while the 1st has disappeared from me picking from the jar I still have the 2nd plant curing in one jar next to the jar containing the bag dried stuff. I would definitely say that the buds dried in the bag are better tasting and smell better as soon as taken out of the bag, as well as through the first week. I can't comment any further than that as its only been about a week since I took them out of the bag. I can say though that the ones I have hanged are still not cured enough for me to advise to consume, I mean personally I don't mind that extra green taste in the vaporizer but since I have the bag dried that is better tasting I can just use that while I wait to see how good the hanging ends up tasting. Unless the hang dried's cure ends up making this bud taste like tropical fruit then I will be sticking to the paper bag method as it seems to help cure faster.