Outdoor First auto grow journal, Buddha's Magnums + Shortsuff's Purple Amnesia

Nov 19, 2014
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Hey there everyone,

Well here I go on my first ever auto grow and I have some problems from the get go, lol.

10 large grow bags (100L / 26 Gal). My soil is corse sand heavy but with mixed with compost & organic fert pellets. I have had to use a little bit of aluminium sulphide to correct a high ph rapidly (shudder, I really didn’t want to but it’s done). I have used a minimal amount to get down into the zone and then hammered the mix with microbe rich compost tea.

Seeds direct sown into 1L pots and transplanted into final pot within 7 days of popping.

I had 10 x Buddha Magnum seeds, only four of them popped, one popped in three days the others popped day 6, 7 & 8, it’s now day 10, no more have popped so I’m not holding out hope for the others which is very disappointing but I’m not writing them off just yet. Luckily but, I did receive 5 x free Shortstuff Purple Amnesia with my order so I sowed them in 1L pots and they have all popped out in 5 days.

The weather here has been cool & overcast last week or so I think that hasn’t helped with germination speed.

So the grow is now looking like 4 x Buddha Magnums plus 5 x Purple Amnesia all going well with the babies.

The first Magnum to sprout is 7 days old today, here she is, little “Olive” looking so small in her big pot, lol.... IMG_0509.jpgIMG_0510.jpg Thats all for now :peace:
Woah buddha mags in 26g pots should get quite big. How did you germinate them that you had such trouble? Im pretty new myself but 8/8 beans ive tried to germinate showed tap root within 3 days using the paper towel method on my cable box.
Woah buddha mags in 26g pots should get quite big. How did you germinate them that you had such trouble? Im pretty new myself but 8/8 beans ive tried to germinate showed tap root within 3 days using the paper towel method on my cable box.

Hi Brich999, Yeah I picked the Mags cause Buddha stated they really hit potential in big pots outdoor, saw some great results that some guys did indoor so we shall see ! I direct sow into small 1 Litre pots with the same soil as the big pots and I transplant into the big pots before the roots even touch the sides to avoid ANY stunting at all. I have just had another Mag bean break the surface this arvo so thats now 5 out of 10, I am hoping the others come up in the next few days. All 5 x Purple Amnesia's have popped. same soil, same method, so I really can't work out why these other Mags did'nt fire as quick. No rhyme or reason to nature sometimes lol. My grow philosophy is to try and keep bas close to nature as possible so I like the seeds to do their own thing in the soil, not that there is anything wrong with the paper towel method, also I don't trust myself to keep an eye on them and they might dry out and die on me lol. :peace:
Yep I am sitting in on this grow.

Hi Brich999, Yeah I picked the Mags cause Buddha stated they really hit potential in big pots outdoor, saw some great results that some guys did indoor so we shall see ! I direct sow into small 1 Litre pots with the same soil as the big pots and I transplant into the big pots before the roots even touch the sides to avoid ANY stunting at all. I have just had another Mag bean break the surface this arvo so thats now 5 out of 10, I am hoping the others come up in the next few days. All 5 x Purple Amnesia's have popped. same soil, same method, so I really can't work out why these other Mags did'nt fire as quick. No rhyme or reason to nature sometimes lol. My grow philosophy is to try and keep bas close to nature as possible so I like the seeds to do their own thing in the soil, not that there is anything wrong with the paper towel method, also I don't trust myself to keep an eye on them and they might dry out and die on me lol. :peace:

Hey man hope ya don't mind me subbing up.
Just wonderin is your rh high they like it around 80% for germ if you put Satan wrap over the pots or a small cup over the beans it will def speed shit up. My last to came up in less than 24h doing this.:peace: and good luck btw dude:Sharing One:
Cheers Dingo & Herman, hope I don't disappoint lol. The weather since I sowed here has been cool, overcast with scattered light showers. RH has averaged 73, been as low as 60 and average temp has been only 24-25 deg. So I haven't got much heat from the sun onto the germ pots. This is below average for my area. When the sun hits next week temps will rise to average 28-32 and the RH will rise. So I am putting the slow germ down to the weather, however that does not explain why the 5 x PA's all popped before half of the Magnums did . I threw them in when i thought the Mag seeds were gonna be duds cause when I sowed the PA's, only one Mag has popped. Supposed to get a bit of sun tomorrow so I might mini greenhouse the 5 remaining Mags and get some heat & humidity into them. :peace:
Update: 7 days on, and have again had an overcast week of weather with alot of showers, not much sunshine for these babies, showers forecast to clear so hopefully get some good sun on them in next week. Just had a little sunny patch between clouds so I got a just got a couple of pics , you can still see them glistening from the rain.

I have 5 x Buddha Magnums, although the last seed to germ is quite small & weak. The 5 x Purple Amnesia’s all look the same at this stage (6 days). I will be growing the PA’s in smaller pots as they only get to 60-80cm. Just need some sun & warmth to get these girls cracking. Thats all for nowPage_1.jpg
Showers poor possum , try 260mm so far , and heaps more on the way , any way cobber all looking good so far . Looks like the weather should start clearing for you by wednesday . :goodluck: