Indoor FIRST ATTEMPT AT AUTOS AND GROW LOG 1xAK47 and 1x lowryder #2

  • Thread starter Thread starter jhnfrmrby420
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ok so normal method isn't working, maybe they need a little start, try taking them back out and let em dry a bit, thendo yer best to give them a little rub on some sandpaper or something abrasive, just enough to scratch them a little, then try another couple of days.

if that doesn't work then try manually cracking them, although you gotta be really careful that you don't crush the whole seed, but you can crack it a little just like opening an easter egg to get at the sweets in the middle without breaking the full egg open :D if you can do it then try popping back in the medium for another day or 2, if that fails, give up. If i were you i'd have already given up but i've plenty of seeds, if i didn't then i would presevere.

oh and i do hope ye can find yer seeds as i too have had a couple mysteriously vanish in soil that i know did plant! well i am sure i did, kinda, nah i couldn't have not put those seeds in surely, but then i was kinda wasted. i dunno ;)
Anyone ever grow afgahn kush ryder? Herbies sent me 4 fem autos of those, How long do they take?
Have you seen this?


Think the AKR finishes in around 60 days
Thank you there Trifid, hows the high, full body, head, couchlock, taste
Hey can someone tell me what is the best soil for starting seeds directly in???? This FFOF is so damn dry, I have to mist the soil 2 times a day. Its great for growing in just not starting in, I get worried they'll dry out sometimes if I didnt get a chance to mist them in the afternoon.
No problem jhn.. I do have experience with this one outdoors.. The first cut (July @ 70days) was almost identical to the Afghanistan photo-varieties with a touch of haze in the flower structure - pink haired, red stems, no more than 2 oz but very indica. Buds were rock solid and not much fluids in them -drying time was quick (two days @20C) You smoke and stay where you are for some time. The second cut was different - very narcotic almost sickly but not much resin for 90Days. Increased my apatite significantly. I left it too long i think - Harvest between day 70 -80 for the beautiful aromas
Thanks for the tip, Well I guess I give these seeds in the dome another day then Im gonna see if theres any traces of life, if not Im gonna try som AKR and some more ak's and see if I get get them to pop for the 3rd time. Whats the best soil to germ directly in???
Use a light well balanced medium - selecting an appropriate brand from the hydroponics store requires some product research. Since i use a tailored mix i'm not qualified to advise you on this because i'm unfamiliar with most commercially available mediums to date. I have used foxfarms organic in the past with some success for growing photo-period strains but this does not relate to auto varieties and in most cases will be too hot for them. Since this is your first grow and you're dealing with seedlings, you should be just as concerned with the water retentive properties/drainage of the mix and texture as well as it's content. Many soils available in hydroponics/horticulturalist stores can be considered too hot for auto-flowering varieties so approach this with some caution and get plenty of advice from the community here. Organisation is key. It would be sensible in the future to prepare a suitable mix before germinating. Once you have the right materials in place you can proceed with clarity.

If you want to tailor - the seedling mix should be light, of moderate fertility and devoid of humic and clay content - soil-less mixes with 60-70% moss peat with mild organic sources of nitrogen and 10% perlite might be suitable for your means. What ever you choose, fill a container with your chosen mix and flush it with water. You should have immediate run-off indicating good drainage capacity. Place the container in your grow space and give the mix 24 hrs to dry. Invert the container and examine the mix - the texture should be light with some grain - you should be able at this point to squeeze a handful to make a compacted mass that disintegrates on touch - moisture content should be minimal with plenty aeration. Cavities in the mix are important to the development of a prolific root structure. A suitable mix will be completely dry within 48hrs but loose and not dry-compacted. If however you discover the mix is spongy ('cake' like) and water retentive, the drainage of the mix is likely compromised and will suffocate your seedlings. These mixes tend to have a high clay or mineral content, will retain too much fluid and have poor drainage - these mixes are dark in appearance due there stagnant anaerobic character. Avoid these at all costs - they will impact your plant's development significantly
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