ok so normal method isn't working, maybe they need a little start, try taking them back out and let em dry a bit, thendo yer best to give them a little rub on some sandpaper or something abrasive, just enough to scratch them a little, then try another couple of days.
if that doesn't work then try manually cracking them, although you gotta be really careful that you don't crush the whole seed, but you can crack it a little just like opening an easter egg to get at the sweets in the middle without breaking the full egg open
if you can do it then try popping back in the medium for another day or 2, if that fails, give up. If i were you i'd have already given up but i've plenty of seeds, if i didn't then i would presevere.
oh and i do hope ye can find yer seeds as i too have had a couple mysteriously vanish in soil that i know did plant! well i am sure i did, kinda, nah i couldn't have not put those seeds in surely, but then i was kinda wasted. i dunno
if that doesn't work then try manually cracking them, although you gotta be really careful that you don't crush the whole seed, but you can crack it a little just like opening an easter egg to get at the sweets in the middle without breaking the full egg open

oh and i do hope ye can find yer seeds as i too have had a couple mysteriously vanish in soil that i know did plant! well i am sure i did, kinda, nah i couldn't have not put those seeds in surely, but then i was kinda wasted. i dunno