Can someone tell me if any of this would benefit me over the

nutes? Someone just gave me this, its all new
This stuff looks good jhn. I'd use them. Not the hydroponics stuff, but these two:
And the BioThrive Bloom looks cool:
Derived from:
Alfalfa meal, copper sulfate, ferric sulfate,
kieserite, manganese sulfate, molasses,
potassium sulfate, rock phosphate, sodium
borate, sodium molybdate, soybean meal,
zinc sulfate.
2% Seaweed derived from Ascophyllum
nodosum and Laminaria digitata
0.2% Humic acids derived from Leonardite
1.5% Cane sugar
0.5% Glacial rock powder
Sounds like
good stuff. I'd love to have someone give me that for free!
I've no idea about "benefits over

nutes", as you asked.