So about an hour ago I started my tests for getting my Promix BX into optimum ph range for my new grow. Muddy said that pretty much all of the Promix he has used has been about 6.9-7 right out of the bag. With this being a little high he uses sulfur to lower it. Depending on what kind of sulfur you get is to how fast it works. He has the pellet split pea type kind that take several days and I have the powder which is quicker.
Not knowing how much I needed to use per x amount of Promix, he suggested doing a test using three different cups/pots. Each one has different amounts of sulfur in the mix, in increasing order. I did my calculations and had my amounts that I was going to do for each one. Just to be more precise and make it a little easier IMO, I measured the largest amount out that I was going to use with a measuring spoon and weighed it on my digital scales. I then used weight to do the other two instead of trying to get tiny little amounts of powder in my measuring spoon. Worked great of course.
So...I then soaked each cup down with plain water ph'd at 6.33 on the dot. I tested each runoff expecting it to be at least high 6s, but they were all around 6.1-6.2. I know the sulfur didn't take affect that quickly and even if it had it was still odd it was that low. So, I grabbed another cup and filled it with straight BX, no sulfur. I checked my water again to make sure it hadn't somehow crazily wavered in 10 minutes, and it hadn't, right on 6.33. I soaked the plain cup of BX right out of the bag and it too measured about 6.1 or so.
I take it I just got a bag that has a kinda low ph compared to normal or what? Thanks for any input.
It's not an awful problem really, I am just curious. I am sure that the lime in there will bring it right into 6.3-6.5 range after it is wet for a few days. But then again,the ones with sulfur will probably lower. We shall see said the blind Squid. Tis why we do the tests