Just a smallish update here since I was slightly surprised when I woke up and looked into my tent about 30 minutes ago. I usually take a peek when I get up before they go into their sleep at noon and I was doing the same today as well as opening the tent up for the day for circulation until I get my exhaust fan. I do have to keep it just slightly flapped open when we sleep because of the light obviously but after that 8 hours or so then it is open all day.
Anywho, as you know if you've been following right now I just have a 4 foot 2 bulb T8 laying at an angle in my tent, as well as those two cheap Walmart grow lights, until my new light comes, which is today! I'll probably post some pics of the new setup and maybe the girls. Well since they started growing again a few days ago I noticed that the one closest to the T8 grew the most/best, of course. And since T8s have almost no heat and aren't HO you can put them RIGHT up to the light.
So I was putting them like an inch under the angled T8 one by one by spinning the plate around that all four are on. After only half a day or so each I noticed some pretty explosive growth, especially with the CC and CM. I have the AKR under now hoping she will do the same because she is still pretty damn droopy and the third smallest. I would also try to do the same technique with the NL but in about five or six hours, maybe less, I will have my new light so it won't matter then, I can get full and close coverage on all four with the new light of course. I am really satisfied with the fast new growth and I can see how they could really take off soon, which is awesome!
Few questions>>>>>
>I see a few roots at the bottom of the cups if I lift them to check, should I tier them into something bigger now?
I guess that means they're doing a lot better since the roots have reached the bottom and I am actually getting a fair amount of new good growth.
>Should I hold off on veg nutes since they got suspended in youth?
>And either way, wouldn't the Bio Root and Diamond Black be beneficial to them now? Maybe just micro doses?
>And I think I know this answer but with the Tek light I am getting I can keep it pretty damn close to the plants as long as I have a fan blowing across and keep the temps in check, right?
Much thanks. I really could not do this without you, ok MAYBE but nowhere near as successful.
AFN is the shiznitasnipsnamsammich! ( as quoted from Dave Chappelle in 'Half-Baked')