New Grower First AF grow, Northern Lights, Crit Mass, Cr Caramel and Af Kush. Heeya!

Cool. Yea most Soils contain some kind of manure even miracle grow organic does. Blood and bone meal are both from animals as well. Mostly from slaughterhouses. Going to be tough to make a good soil without any animal products lol. You'd be surprised what's in liquid ferts as well. Growing
Plants requires the use of minerals, animals, fish and plants.
Yeah it'll be pretty tough but not impossible. It's all good. I may be the only vegan grower on the forum, and I intend to extend that to my grows as well. I won't just completely refuse a product but will do my best. General Organics' basic grow and bloom nutes and a supplement or two are vegan and advertised as so and I have heard several good things about these nutes. I still may end up using a couple of their products that may or may not be but if you look up the basic lineup it says so in the description. We'll see how it goes. Thanks Cap'n.
No Problem. Def not impossible. But a lot of people dont know what theyre putting in there soil or whats in it. Thats why i said youd be surprised. Its crazy. But it works wonders lol. I use blood and bone meal, Seabird and bat guano in all my soils. But when you think about the process of the meals its pretty sick.
Right. I see what you mean. All the more reason for me to make my own mixes really. I will use all that leftover hot soil I have for my veggies and other stuff because they love the MG perlite. I agree on it working for sure. But surely I can get similar if not the same results with enough fine tuning of my veggies products. You'll hear about it and be helping me out I am sure. You and Muddy have been my best help here at AFN.
Hey guys. It's been 2 days since the flush on my four babies. They don't look any worse so I guess that's good. I am using a four foot T8 standing up sideways in the tent because I sent my LED back today and should be getting my account credited and be placing my new order this weekend. I'll be getting a 2ft 4 bulb Tek lamp. 210 watts and a nice 20,000 lumens. Also getting all of my General Organics nutrients as well. I'm getting Bio thrive Bloom and Grow, Bio Root and the Black Diamond supplement as well. Gonna try and throw in some Hydroton rocks, rockwool cubes and net pots for making my DWC. I'm excited. Alrighty>>>

So I noticed that the top of my soil including the perlite is greenish on all four plants. Anyone know what that may be? Thanks.
how hardy are the NL's man.. ive seriously considering a photo NL grow. just wondering how the autos are. as little as my experiance is with growing ive never seen a sickly or small NL.
That is actually the one I have had the worst time with. Most of which is my fault but I have heard that they start slow as first but eventually developed. But, when I bought them it said they're good for beginners and easier to grow, low odor. SO I dunno. I had two, one never germed and I planted the other too deep. So that stunted her plus ph being off has left her looking awful. Check out the pics she's the tiny but oldest, crappy looking one. Not to say that it isn't going to work for you. Of course you can grow it. I plan on coming back around to it eventually and overcome the strain so to speak. Because that is the true first AFs I ever planted and they crapped out. So my grow bucket list is to grow one out in the future.
ok then.. ive seen some crazy sized NL photos grown outdoors here and many say it cant be done well here at all.. i was thinking it must just be the NL are so hardy idk..
Not entirely sure on that one man, sorry.
Hey squid, just caught up hope u dnt mind me tagging along. Gud luck with the girls. :)