Indoor Fire in the Tent! Dragons Breeding..........

My ladies are going string! I figure about 3 more weeks till I have ripe seed! My indoor lady in the best of the three, she's got some nice bud for sure, but all are looking fine. you notice some burn on one, she didn't like my grow light so I moved her to the greenhouse along with the other one. In the tent with the DB is a Dragon Kush female that I bred also for some seeds. Thought I was going to lose that cross ( Durrty Dragon x KVS ). Also got a nice Russian dragon coming along. just too a male RD out today and put it in the clone cab to collect pollen when its ready. One RD in the greenhouae also, needed to make room for my Cheese Dog and some Critcal Auto.
The last plant is my Blue Dog - Blue Dragon x CushDog.

Dragon’s Blood 3 pics

Dragon's Blood plant2-  Kush-7-23-2015.jpg

Dragon's blood plant 1- 7-23-2015.jpg

Dragon's Blood plant 3 -7-23-2015.jpg

Dragon Kush

Dragon Kush -7-23-2015.jpg

Blue Dog

Blue Dog-7-23-2015.jpg

Russian Dragon 2 pics

Russian Dragon-plant2 7-23-2015.jpg

Russian Dragon-1-7-23-2015.jpg
My ladies continue to do well, they buds are swelled with seed! And the indoor DB is still building bud!!! She's going to give me seed AND a nice harvest! My Dragon Kush is looking wonderful also Can't wait to plant a batch of those just for bud!
they are going to the greenhouse to finish, they've grown to the point that they are getting light burn and I can't raise the light.
I agree! all crosses so far from the Blueberry Headband have been big and beautiful!
I sent all non seeded plants to the greenhouse this morning. All that's in the tent is one Dragon's Blood and my Dragon Kush. Oh, and 17 pots of soil for a SOG! Prepping 8 more pots and will start seed soon. 2-3 weeks leftfor the seed plants. I may send them to the greenhouse next week to finish and fill the tent with the rest of the 1 gallon pots. I know one strain is the best way to go with SOG, but I'll be running 3 probably, just to make it difficult..... errrr.....interesting.
DK isn't looking so good, think she's another lack of N! Gave her some blood meal and she's coming back already.
The DB is doing fine though. she bulked up more than I expected, in fact more than the other 2 by a good bit! I may keep her seed separate and grow some comparatively with some from the other plants. If I like what I see, I'll do a BIG run of DB and seed a few!

Russian Dragon are looking good, hoping for a growth spurt and flowering soon, the male is about ready to pop. Looks like I'll have to collect pollen from the male......

Pics tomorrow

Pop, that blue dog is looking killer.
Ok pics of dragons today! My seed bearing ladies are doing well. My Dragon Kush is responding well to the blood meal treatment and the leaves are regaining their green color. Hoping about 10 days- 2 weeks till they are done. I'll check for ripe seed this week then give them a few more days.

Blue Dog has not yet flowered. I moved her to the greenhouse so I suspect that should trigger flowering soon!

I put 22 Blue Dragon on to soak in a shot glass, and 6 Blue Dog ( all I had as this was a stray pollenation, not an intended cross ). Hoping for 25 good seedlings for my Sea of Green grow.

I took 2 clones of the Blue Dog in the greenhouse. Hopfully they'll take. I find crosses with auto genes in them are very difficult to clone. They take a long time to root, three weeks and more sometimes, if they ever root at all. I think I had one Blue Dragon clone that was successful, the top I cut off the big one I grew a few months ago. But that plant in the greenhouse looks SO good, I have to try to clone her!

Dragon Kush

dragons blood pic1 -8-2-2015.jpg

Dragon's Blood
Dragon Kush-8-2-2015.jpg

Russian Dragon

Russian Dragon plant 1 -8-2-2015.jpg

Russian Dragon

Russian Dragon plant 2 -8-2-2015.jpg

Blue Dog

Blue Dog-8-2-2015.jpg
I got to say, my Blue Dragon is a real hit with people! I gave some to my friends in New Hampshire. They were here yesterday for a visit.They party with many people and if I were into this for selling I'd have many! I feel the Blueberry Headband is a great plant on its own, and its even better for breeding stock! I'm hoping the SOG gives me a couple autos to breed. But I'll keep growing this even if it doesn't auto, its great medicine!
Man I love the look of dragons. The look majestic. You are definitely a dragon tamer.
I think its because I'm growing them organically, they have been easy to grow! I supply them with water, my lights and the sun do the rest! I've discovered my soil mix is a bit weak on N, but it hasn't affected most of the dragons. I have given them all a little blood meal. That is some amazing stuff! In one weeks time, it changed my squash plants into all new plants! It not only greened up, it tripled in size!!! I've even got a tomato plant I was sure was dead that's come back to life! When i remix my soil, I'm going to use more worm castings and use chicken manure, and less coco coir. I think once the soil is broken down the peat that's in it, I can use more coir. I want to eventually have my soil all coco based, no peat at all. I'm trying to keep my soil simple, a base of humus, topsoil and coco, amended with no more than three ingredients: lime, worm castings, and for now, chicken manure to replace the cow manure. Chicken manure has 20x or more N than cow manure! finding the balance will be the challenge I think. So far though, even with this mild mix, my plants have done well for the most part. And I've only been doing this organic thing for a year.
