New Grower Finally after 5 year of waiting, decided it's time for a new Grow.

Gelato auto 59 days above ground. Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay 47 days above ground.
  • Update time. :woohoo1:
    Gelato Auto had a haircut. Took nearly every leaf I could see off her, they were mostly dead or dying anyway.
    Thought I would have a look at the buds, as I can see them now.:bighug:
    Here's a pic, I think she looks better.
    here she is before i finsihed.jpg

    Some of the leaves I took off.

    Blurred leaves.jpg

    Took at least two bowls off her. It's all about trying to get airflow and fatten the buds up now. Hopefully.
    She's very sticky, not very frosty though.

    I was wondering if she was light stressed as well as her other problems earlier.
    So I lowered the light to around 650 umols, down from 800.
    Now on the Fantasmo express x Toof Decay, she looks all right, not sure is she is light stressed too so lowered the light to around 650 umols
    from around 800.

    FExTD side view.jpg

    She is very frosty unlike her sister, shame it's not captured in the picture.
    I will give her a defol later in the week.
    Here they are together.

    Both watered to runoff at 6.3 ph.
    Thanks for looking.
    Any tips or thoughts, welcome.:pass:
    Gelato Auto day 66 above ground Fantasmo Express X Toof decay 53 days above ground.
  • Update time :woohoo1:
    Gelato Auto is going to be chopped on Monday, nothing seems to be happening with her and I haven't a a joint since January, apart from the little buds I have taking off her this week and dehumidifier dried :jointman:
    Smoke ok gives you a lift, does'nt last long though.
    She's not going to weigh much either as the buds are mostly leaves, better luck and growing next time.
    I have 3 seeds of her left. Will try something else next.
    Here's a couple of pictures.
    Gelato Auto.jpg
    bud shot.jpg

    Fantasmo express x Toof Decay.
    She is looking ok quite a few yellow tops.
    Have a look.
    Yellow tops.jpg
    Yellow tops 2.jpg

    What do you think, thought it was a light problem, then a sulfur problem and now I'm thinking she is hungry. Any ideas anyone?
    I have raised the light and given her magnesium sulfate with sulfur in. So we'll see over next few days, then I'll give her another feed, don't want to feed too often as I think that didn't help the Gelato auto.
    Few more pictures.
    FEx TD side view.jpg
    FExTD main cola.jpg

    Any tips, thoughts, welcome.

    Thank for looking and until next week.
    Have a good one.
    Gelato Auto chopped on day 74 above ground, Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay 62 days above ground
  • Update time :pop:
    Chopped the Gelato Auto on days 74 a bit early but she was struggling and so was I, for something to smoke. :vibe:
    Left her without water for a week to dry in the tent but left the light and fan on so cocked up there.
    The semi dry buds were then put into brown paper bags to finish drying.
    I think they are ready tonight so will trim them up and stick them in a jar or grove bag and see.
    Decent smoke, been testing her the last 2 weeks with dehumidifier dried buds :rofl:.
    A bit harsh but when needs must. :smoking:
    There won't be much weight to her she had airy buds, but better than nothing.
    Will have to try and grow her again and hopefully do a better job.
    I'll trim up the buds tomorrow and see what we've got

    The Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay is growing ok, at the moment, going to feed her tonight, she', not been fed for over a week as she doesn't look hungry. Will try and push a little with a small feed. Just Fed 583 ppm om the cheap tds meter.
    A few pictures.
    FExTD above shot.jpg
    Bud shot.jpg
    Final weights of Gelato Auto and Day 69 above ground for the Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay
  • I finally got around to trimming and weighing of the buds on Wednesday, should have been Monday. :shrug:
    So the buds were overdried in the brown paper bags.
    Luckily they are at the perfect humidity of 60% and 62% in the 2 grove bags they are in.
    The buds weren't up to much, still smells like grass, but smokes ok and gets you there.
    Here a couple of pictures with the final weight, I took everything of the plant I could, nothing went to waste :pass:
    Empty Jug weight.jpg
    Full Jug.jpg

    So a nice 70G total or almost 2.5 ounces. :woohoo:
    @420Forever , is this ok for my secret decoder ring. :eyebrows:

    Now the Fantasmo Express X Toof Decay is doing ok, growing nicely,
    Supposed to be done in 70-80 days and she well be 70 days old tomorrow.
    So will be checking trichomes starting this week.
    In no rush to chop so won't rush this one.
    Fed her 503ppm yesterday and increased par to 750 from 700.
    So hoprefully she continues to grow well over the course of the week.
    Until next time and thanks for following.


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    Fantasmo Express X Toof Decay 76 days above ground.
  • A weekly update on the Fantasmo Express x Toof decay.
    Had trouble with it on Wednesday as she kept falling over, :haha:
    She had been leaning one way for a couple of weeks now and a think I must of snagged her on the tent when I lifted her out and then she wouldn't stand up after, I put her back in the tent and leaning against the grow tent wall.
    I didn't have any sticks to keep her stood straight so used some string to tie her to the tent upright.
    After a few days I noticed the string was loose around her trunk and tonight I untied the string as she is standing back upright mostly. She doesn't need the tent wall to keep her standing anymore. :woohoo:
    Here are some poor quality pictures for you.
    As you can see, in the last picture she has some lockout or deficiency.
    Gave her a feed of 563-586 ppm last night.
    She is getting around 690 umols at the to cola.
    Checked the trichomes with my loupe this week, saw a mixture of all three types.
    Will keep checking over the week as it looks like the buds have stopped growing and now she is just ripening.
    Thanks for checking in.
    Until next time.:thanks:


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      FExTD side view .jpg
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    • FExTD deficiencies.jpg
      FExTD deficiencies.jpg
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    Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay 83 days above ground.
  • Hello folks,
    Been a week since the last update and the Mephisto Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay and she has started going limp under the weight of the buds maybe :shrug: and several of the smaller branches decided to lie on top of some other buds, I didn't think this was a good idea due to mould so I cut the branches and harvested the buds.
    I'm now drying them a brown bag.
    I'm giving her a last feed tonight, don't know what ppm, forgot to check :yoinks:, but i would guess at 400ppm at most.
    Anyone got any ideas why the branches have started getting weaker?
    I just think she is coming toward her end of life, she is definitely drinking less.
    I raised the light so the top cola is getting around 600 umols, she was getting around 720 umols last week.
    Around 39 DLI, see how she gets on.
    Pretty sure I'll be chopping by weekend, but we'll see.
    Thanks for following along. :smokeout:


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    Mephisto Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay 92 days above ground.
  • Finally an update!
    Sorry for the delay. :hookah:
    Been smoking the fruits of my harvest.
    The Gelato Auto definitely needed more time, the weed from her is very poor, hardly get any buzz or high from her.
    I also tested the the Fantasmo Express x Toof Decay buds and they were not the greatest either.
    All I can do is try again next time.
    I think I will chop the Fantasmo Express X Toof Decay at weekend. We'll see.
    Thanks for stopping by.


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    Slaughtered Lamb, Nugz Gen (1) and Godzilla Cookies all approx 21 days, Nugz Gen (2) or slaughtered lamb (2) approx 16 days
  • As promised, here are some pictures for you.

    After topping.jpg
    Through the light.jpg
    Dodgy leaf.jpg

    On the last picture, you can see the dodgy leaf, any experts know what caused it?
    Last edited:
    Slaughtered Lamb, Godzilla Cookies and Nugz (1) 28 Days, Nug (2) 24 days
  • Well thought things were going ok, but as we all know, that what the problems start. :shrug:
    Three plants were looking good yesterday and the Godzilla Cookies still looked sad and maybe a little underfed.
    Well this morning I looked in the tent and now the Slaughtered Lamb is looking sad and I noticed the first dodgy leaf, It could be because I watered her yesterday with only a touch of run off
    I lowered the light yesterday so this may be the reason. She also had a few yellow leaf tips, which may be because of too much light or a mild nutrient burn.
    The others 2 look great though :vibe:
    Anyway here are some pictures from yesterday.
    Slaughter Lamb.jpg
    Nugz Gen 2 (1).jpg
    Godzilla Cookies.jpg
    Nugz Gen 2 (2).jpg
    Bad leaf.jpg
    All four together.jpg

    Thanks for looking.
    Any thoughts or opinations welcome.

    I'll add some more pictures later, to show what I am talking about.
    Slaughtered Lamb, Nugz (1) Godzilla Cookies Day 40, Nugz (2) day 34
  • Hi Growmies, update time,
    First up is the Slaughtered Lamb.

    Slaughtered Lamb.jpg

    Doing Ok, I think she has a calcium deficiency or potassium, she has not been fed any bloom nutrients yet, which may be the reason, was going to feed bloom nutrients when she stopped growing, she is just over 15 1/2 inches. Will check again tomorrow.
    Here are some dodgy leaf pictures to show what I mean.
    Dodgy leaf (1).jpg
    Dodgy leaves.jpg

    Next up is the Nugz (1) she is the tallest and growing the best up to now. No bloom nutrients either. Just under 17 inches.

    Nugz (1).jpg

    Next up is the second Nugz, no issues with her at the moment. a littlle short at just under 9 inches.

    Nugz (2).jpg

    Finally we have the Godzilla Cookies, fed a bloom feed as I thought she had stopped growing and then decided to grow 1/2 inches or more. Oh well.
    She still looks pale, but seems happy enough.
    Godzilla Cookies.jpg

    Finally a group shot.
    Group shot.jpg

    Apologies for the colour, seems over saturated. Will have to look into that.
    They all had a major defol over the last week or so.
    Any thoughts and opinions welcome. :bighug:

    Thanks for looking