New Grower Finally after 5 year of waiting, decided it's time for a new Grow.

Hi @420autoflower,
here are the numbers for the EC and ph, both in and out.
Godzilla Cookies EC in 1.126, EC out 1.716, PH in 6.26, PH out 4.99.
Nugz 2 EC in 1.126, EC out 1.451, PH in 6.26, PH out 5.41.
I'll add the numbers for the Slaughtered Lamb and Nugz 1 tomorrow.

What do you think?
I would test your run off again after your next watering with no nutrients to see where your ec is at. If it’s still reading high you know your soil still has nutrients but it’s not being absorbed by the plants.
Peat moss is highly acidic and will throw your PH off after just one watering, you could try to neutralize the PH with some limestone or dolomite lime and that should help it keep it more stable.
Thanks @420autoflower,
My plants are looking like shit, so the feed isn't helping, I'll order some lime this week and keep ph'ing.
You probably won't believe this, but just after I fed the Nugz 1, I could see the nutrients were changing the leaves more yellow.
I did have a joint of the Slaughtered Lamb just before :biggrin:

Thanks for the advice.
I'll feed the other two girls tonight and test again.
Ya, that pH is pretty low and the high EC runoff may be an indicator of extra salt build up in the pot. If it were me, I would raise the pH going in up to 6.6-6.8 and give plan water till runoff for at least 2 cycles. She's just not picking up what you're throwing down. But that's just me.
Ya, that pH is pretty low and the high EC runoff may be an indicator of extra salt build up in the pot. If it were me, I would raise the pH going in up to 6.6-6.8 and give plan water till runoff for at least 2 cycles. She's just not picking up what you're throwing down. But that's just me.
Thanks DDubs, been searching the web for what, I'll try what you say.
I know you use peat, is your EC out higher than input, and have you tested your runoff ph?
Thanks DDubs, been searching the web for what, I'll try what you say.
I know you use peat, is your EC out higher than input, and have you tested your runoff ph?

I haven't but I've been meaning to so I can try and figure out my leaf curl issue. I did bump up my pH on the last water and she's already looking better. I feel like I learned alot more about growing during my recent rockwool grow. I definitely see the pH drop during flowering and I can see the EC go up between waterings as runoff washes back into the res. The beauty of the rockwool is I could correct my mistake as soon as I got my head out of my butt.
Hello everyone,
so I had a look under the microscope of a bud I cut off the Slaughtered Lamb the other day, and all the shots were blurred.
Tried a couple of times, but still they were blurred, peed off, I packed it all away. Only to later realise I forget to take off the lens cover :haha::crying:
Tonight's numbers after watering ph 6.5 water to run off.
Godzilla Cookies EC in 0.146, EC out 1.558, ph out 5.48.
Nugz 1 EC in 0.146, EC out 1.199, ph out 5.96.
The numbers look a bit better than last time.

But can anyone time me what they mean, and how best to progress?
I read peat needs regular feeds, what does everyone else think.

I'll add some numbers for the other two plants next time I water.