It's like they knew I was coming... this focuses seven led's into a single beam for fiber optic transmission. And it's not the only one they sell... I have options to experiment with.
I feel like Agent Mulder, thinking the truth is out there, but instead of aliens, I'm looking for a better grow light.
The funny thing is this is all just for weed. I mean, I can license the tech to NASA so they can grow tomatoes on mars, but personally... I'm just going to grow some monster cannabis.
It even looks sexy. Looks like you could propose to someone with it. Will you be my cannabis? And the hell of it was I was having trouble mixing the light from each different led so it comes out homogenized instead of each FO bundle carrying a different part of the spectrum. Now it all gets mixed properly. One less thing to worry about, I suppose.
That is a sweet piece of kit mate,so allowing 7 LEDs into 1 beam means you could run a full specrum in 1 beam? If so thats awesome :smokebuds: