Fiber optic cables direct light straight to fan leaves.

Put the Data Exchange onto her - happy to change it if you want a different one. :beast:
Thanks Kindred! Now all the engineers should flock to the thread and help design a prototype.
When I was first hit with this idea, I went nuts. Seriously, imagine the benefits. Think of this... A LED monitor cage made to cast light exactly equal to growing outdoors. LED monitors are getting awfully bright these days. Just takes a single inventor to make it happen.
When I was first hit with this idea, I went nuts. Seriously, imagine the benefits. Think of this... A LED monitor cage made to cast light exactly equal to growing outdoors. LED monitors are getting awfully bright these days. Just takes a single inventor to make it happen.

Lol. Download a picture of a bright sunny day and use that to grow with. Im probably just going to fabricate my own led breadboards just to get the spectrum on point. Its just cheaper than buying anything else but dont think I havent given some thought to growing seedlings with my old first generation ipad for an led light. I bet that would actually hold them down till I make other arrangements.
typical absorbtion rates by wavelength in nanometers... bitches.

I did some cad mock ups... just some basic stuff on sketchup. Still working on it, I suppose. Maybe I'll tease you guys with a screenshot.
Warning! Science Content!

Now remember kids, photosynthetically active radiation is measured in micromoles of photons per square meter per second... so every second, a square meter is hit with n photons of PAR. The goal is to max out the par, using a lot less electricity. That's what appeals to me about this idea. That and if it works, maybe I can earn some money to pay off my student loans. :)
Just read through the thread and very interested to see how this works out,it sounds like an awesome idea.:thread: subbed in

The light of a thousand suns!
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