Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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I just wrote a nice long response and my satellite internet crapped out and I lost my post. Don't you just LOVE when that happens... Anyway in short. I didn't have this issue with the OF when I was growing in it so that makes total sense. I obviously need to use the DD right from the beginning of flowering. This makes perfect sense. I have already lost a few fan leaves on the first & second node on the AA2 and I don't want it to spread any further as I'm seeing it now on the top of the plant on the fan leaves. She's obviously hungry for K. I'm not really getting excited over it I just want to resolve this as quickly as possible because I don't want this to happen with the HBD. I planned on feeding the AA2 and the HBD (for the first time) tomorrow. I have already flushed the AA2 day before yesterday while I was flushing the AA1 and NYLPD preparing them for the soon harvest.

Thanks Joe for the help. Since I plan on using the HF for future grows this is very important to catch now and correct it.
Killa I can't find that spot on the NYLPD that had the amber of course... I'm going to keep looking though but the trichs are definitely MILKY. I'll post some pics in a few. I have to scope the AA1 because I think she's ready to chop. I want that to see if she's got stronger punches in store! The stuff we've smoked off the early harvested parts of the plant were kick ass! Definitely love me some Assassin and it will be one strain that I will probably have in the closet somewhere at all times! :D

She's exactly 9 weeks today. Her trichs are milky but I still see some clear but not many. Not much Amber. Mostly on the lower parts of the colas I haven't taken yet. Don't the trichs continue to age while drying and curing? Or basically the THC continues to degrade to Amber in that time? Meaning the plant will still continue to improve on potency for a short time after it's chopped?

All the fan leaves are yellowed to brown or gone. The sugar leaves are like 5-10% yellow. I'm wondering if there are any tie ins with the color of the leaves and state of the trichs. I'm watching this to see if it does. Like for instance if the trichs are always milky when the sugar leaves start to yellow... Or if it's random every time, or depends on strain. But, I have an idea that maybe they correspond with each other. Something I will follow and note on all my future plants to see if it means something or not. As you can see I have diarrhea of the mouth! Or mind! LOL This Assassin is CRAZY! lol

Any way can't wait for the 1st to come about so I can go get me some more Happy Frog! I want to get more plants in the dirt!! Man you guys gotta see the HBD's! I've never seen growth like this before. I don't think I'm going to tier any more -- only if I have too. I haven't had a problem with tiering at all and actually it's been quite good for me! HBD1 is HUGE and she was tiered. But, the ones I grew straight in the one gallon grow bags are HUGE as well.

Now please keep in mind ya'll lol I'm speaking HUGE from my experiences LOL I'm in no way braggin' or boasting. Lol If you all followed my Snow Ryder grow you know what I mean! They weren't awful but these plants blow them away by far! I'm just amazed at the turn around in results I have had this time around with tiering and straight to dirt. NOT to forget to mention the Happy Frog AND Myco Madness! It really is the best way to grow autos for sure. The less stress the better results you will get. I know that seems like common sense LOL but seeing it with my own eyes is really incredible! Now that I've bored you all to death with my rambling... I'm going to go get pictures so I don't lose your interests! LOL Dang this AA got my jaw flappin'!! :smokebuds: :D :dance: :booya: :howdy:
hey west sounds good bro glad to hear ur having good results with the planting straight into the final container!! sounds like yoo'l be rdy to harvest the aa and nylpd soon u'll have to let me know how she smokes since mine still seem to have prob about 3weeks left in em.
Hey bro! Good to see ya as always! Yeah the AA will be chopped in the next few days probably... We tested her out on my brother in law lol he has a low tolerance. I mean LOW. After the 3 of us shared a half of a regular sized doobie... No hogleg or anything... He was done. That's a GREAT sign! Not to mention he's more than happy & willing to be our potency tester when strains are done! LOL Lucky him huh? Can't wait to do a smoke report on the Assassin! Some KILLER smoke. I highly recommend it to anyone!!! Oh I forgot to mention bro I found the Amber! I took some pics but they don't show up in the pictures. The camera doesn't get as close up as the scope. The scope's eye hole is too small to snap a pic so can't do that... But the Amber IS there I swear it! found about 3 Trichs that had a full head of Amber... I'll keep trying to capture some on film. Here's the pics of the current crop!! I hope I didn't go overboard with the pictures LOL you all know how I LOVE pot pics!!!

I'll start with the NYLPD...
NYLPD #1_9-23-11.JPGNYLPD #2_9-23-11.JPGNYLPD #3_9-23-11.JPGNYLPD TRICHS #1_9-23-11.jpgNYLPD TRICHS #2_9-23-11.jpg

The Assassin. In order of age. AA1, AA2, AA3, AA4 (hasn't shown sex yet), & a pick of the male parts on AA5 that I had to pull tonight.
AA1_9-23-11.JPG ---- AA2 #1_9-23-11.JPGAA2 #2_9-23-11.JPGAA2 #3_9-23-11.JPG----AA3 #1_9-23-11.JPGAA3 #2_9-23-11.JPG----AA4 #1_9-23-11.JPGAA4 #2_9-23-11.JPG----AA5 MALE PARTS 2.jpg

The Himalayan Blue Diesel also in order of age... HBD1, HBD2, HBD3 (all 3 tiered), HBD4, HBD5, HBD6, HBD7 (in cup, getting tiered tonight).
HBD1 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD1 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD2 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD2 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD3 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD3 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD4 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD4 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD5 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD5 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD6 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD6 #2_9-23-11.JPG----HBD7 #1_9-23-11.JPGHBD7 #2_9-23-11.JPG

As always... GROUP PIC! :D I bet I have the happiest closet in my whole zip code! HAHAHAHA! :lol:
Decided to list the ages of them all for the record and so I can keep track. Plus I know you all like to know how old the plants are! :D This HBD1 is NUTS. I just stand infront of the closet and go :no: this is amazing!! Man this is such a fun hobby!!! If I hit the goal in dry weight I hope to hit with the 7 HBD females we should be set for months... This will get us so far ahead all I have to do is keep on growing and we'll be entirely dealer free and never out of bud!! And the Photo Burmese Kush will be done around Christmas so we are going to have a Very Merry!!!

AA1 - 9 weeks 1 day
AA2 - 5 weeks 3 days
AA3 - 24 days
AA4 - 25 days (sex unknown at this time)
NYLPD - 49 days
HBD1, 2, & 3 - 29 days
HBD4, 5, & 6 - 23 days
HBD7 - 27 days

We're waiting on AA4 to show sex and then the crop is set. Then on the 1st I'll get more HF and start 4 more NYLPD and 6 more Assassin. Then I'll get my money off to pay for Mossy's OPJ's off the AFN shop and they will be the 3rd round up in October! This is so EXCITING!!! :hot: :D
hey bro very nice to hear sounds like your gonna be busy trimming very very soon. man wish i had a cool brother in law like that lol! man cant wait to see that closet blow up in full flower mode bro its gonna be crazy
Hell yeah bro! WEEEEEEE!!! :lol: I'm very excited. I'm excited for your harvest as well. I always love hearin how potent that nylpd is!!!
Hot damn brotha! They are looking real good. NYLPD is nice and frosty. That's a closet I wouldn't dread to open hehehe.
Thanks a lot bro! I really appreciate it! Maybe one day this closet will have a MI5 just HALF the size of yours I'd be shocked! LOL You do some incredible work man! May my HBD's come out like your MI5's!!! :bow:
Good karma sent....:wiz:

Those HBD's are nice and bushy.
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