Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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Shit yeah it is bro! AA2 seems bigger now than she did in those pics from last night! The HBD's are really taking off! Thanks for the girl Karma! Considering I've been getting sex organs around day 17 it may not be too early for that girl karma! LOL :D

HBD #7 came out today! Just a few hours ago! So all 7 left are above ground! Woo Hoo!

Thanks Andy! Yeah she did plump up big time! Almost as big around as the fat end of a baseball bat! I was very impressed & happy bout that! She's sticky and smelling of a cat piss but grapefruity smell... It's starting to change over to mostly grapefruit. I'm hoping it will get more fruity!

Hey Gage! Thanks for stopping by man! The jury is still out really lol but at this point I'd have to say that I prefer the Happy Frog at this point. I've had a better germination rate for sure with the Happy Frog... OF is still good and I may do some more in the OF in the near future. But, I would have to say the HF is very good to start them in. I just hope it's just as good for the whole grow because these babies aren't getting transplanted!
Hey Buds! Daily update! Currently I have everyone out of the dirt! I still have one AA germinating, I haven't checked on it today... As of last night I had the last AA that I was waiting on that I planted on the 3rd to come out. Both the HBD and the AA I planted on the 3rd came out yesterday! Both popped out in one day! Pretty cool. All of them look fantastic. The AA1 is drinking/eating A LOT so I may feed her again tonight. She's very light after being fed on the 3rd. She's in a 2 gallon pot and she took a whole gallon of water and nutes to herself! Seems we're getting the remnants of TS Lee so it will be a lot cooler this week. Good for the plants!

Total Count as of today 9-5-11...

1 NYLPD Female
2 AA Females
3 AA Gold seedlings
7 HBD Seedlings

13 Total! Possibly 14 if the last AA Gold bean germinates! I'll probably post pictures tomorrow. You will see the changes better after 3 days! :smoke:
Hey All! Here's the nightly update and picture update. I'll keep it brief... Everyone looks great. Pictures will speak for themselves. The AA1, AA2, and NYLPD were fed tonight. Seedlings got pH'd water and weekly Myco Madness. Tackled the rusty spots on the AA1... Too much Honey ES and DON'T mix the Honey ES with Molasses... Too much Cal/Mag! So the yellowing and rusty spots you may see in the pics of AA1 have been halted in their progress! Here's the pics... Enjoy!

3 HBD planted on 8-26-11
3 HBD 8-26_9-6-11.JPG

AA GOLD #1 Planted on 8-31-11
AA GOLD1_ 8-31_9-6-11.JPG

AA GOLD #2 & 3 HBD planted on 9-1-11
AA GOLD3 & 3 HBD_9-1_9-6-11.JPG

AA GOLD #3 & HBD #7 planted on 9-3-11
AA GOLD2 & HBD7_9-3_9-6-11.JPG

NYLPD planted on 8-6-11. She's a Month Old Today! (stunted because of me -- not the plants fault.)
NYE #1_8-6_9-6-11.JPGNYE #2_8-6_9-6-11.JPGNYE #3_8-6_9-6-11.JPG

AA #2 planted on 8-15-11
AA2 #1_8-15_9-6-11.JPGAA2 #2_8-15_9-6-11.JPGAA2 #3_8-15_9-6-11.JPG

AA #1 planted on 7-23-11
AA1 #1_7-23_9-6-11.JPGAA1 #2_7-23_9-6-11.JPGAA1 #3_7-23_9-6-11.JPGAA1 #4_7-23_9-6-11.JPG

And as always a family photo...

At this point I am extremely impressed with both the Happy Frog and Myco Madness. Very noticeable difference with and without the Myco powder added in addition to the Myco that's already in the Happy Frog. The Ocean Forest started ones are doing well too. However, there is a noticeable difference in size between the OF and HF seedlings at their corresponding dates. For example the OF ones at day 8 were not as big as the ones that were started in the HF that are at day 8...
Lookin' good bro! It looks like you have some leaves doin' the taco on the big girl... Is your heat and humidity good, right now?
Heat might be a little high... I need to adjust my fan... It's not higher than usual but I did notice that...
I would be a happy parent them honeys look awesome looking forward in seeing those NYPDs come out.
Thanks bro! They will be the next to go into the mix as soon as I harvest the AA1. Be a few weeks yet but I know I will do much better with them this time around!!
Quick Daily Update. Checked on the HBD's progress after 7 days above ground and technically it's 2nd Myco Treatment (a sprinkle in the plug when I put the germ'd seed in the dirt and yesterday when I watered all the seedlings with their weekly Myco Treatment). Well, after 8 days above ground the first 3 HBD's that are in 32oz Styrofoam cups prepped to be tiered into 1 gallon grow bags have the roots sticking out of the bottom of the cup!! So the roots are furry white like the Assassin's roots were! This Myco is Magic! We ordered 25 Sunleaves 1 Gallon grow bags off eBay for $9.65 free shipping. Thank goodness because we need them yesterday! LOL Those HBD's are taking OFF faster than any seedling we've had. Shoot so are the Assassins that were started in the HF and Myco from the start! I'll post some updated pics tomorrow so you can see the changes that have occurred in the last two days! Well, a day n a half at this point! LOL Good Times my fellow growers! :buds:
Thanks Asi! Best plant I've ever grown to date actually! :D Appreciate the comment bro:smokebuds:!
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