New Grower Fem. vs. Reg. seeds and breeding


West side dank mob
Mar 7, 2015
Reaction score
I would like to know if I breed a reg. auto to a feminized will it work ? Or does it need to be reg. to reg. for best out come thanks
You kinda have to breed a reg to a fem or reg to a reg....Since two fems can't make baby' will end up with regs. Unless you reversed a female to make fem pollen.
So auto male to fem. Female will work right? A friend told me it needed to reg. to reg. that's wrong right .
As long as you got one male and one female, you can breed them.
Photo regular = seeds will be a combination of male/female(50/50) photo
Photo fem regular = photo fem seeds
Auto regular = will flower in week 3 regardless of sunlight period created by selfing
Auto Fem = auto fems created by selfing

Photo female pollenated by a photo male = photo regular seeds
Photo female pollenated by a auto male = photo regular seeds with some auto regular seeds - by F4 99% auto seeds
Auto female pollenated by a photo male = photo regular seeds with some auto regular seeds - by F4 99% auto seeds
Auto female pollenated by a auto male = 99% auto regular seeds

Hope that helps.
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That is big thanks I'm going to do purple dream by GDP a male to the shizzit fem auto and auto chemdog so half will be autos?
Most likely first generation you won't see any autos, second generation will produce around 25% autos