#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

It's on like Donkey Kong! Here is a pic of my ultra high tech germination chamber sitting on top of my Amare SS150 fixture.....

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...and here is a Blackberry after 24hrs in the chamber of magic.......she will get the root cube in the am....too tired to do it tonight......

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Loving that germ chamber lol I do something similar after they sink I then put in paper towels inside a DVD case wrapped up in a tshirt, most of the time all they need is two days in case for a decent root

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So I'm assuming this will be the thread where we update or progress? And also is there a standard way to show what we are growing to verify the strain? My lsd-25 came in original packaging but my gorilla glue did not.

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Soon be getting blackdiamond perfrectsun goliath 1000 out of hiding ready for the show down.cnt wait to get back up and running ;)
happy growing fastbuds crew,what lights u all running do share.as the light is very important to a great grow;)