#Fastbuds GrowBattle part 2

Disappear for a few days, place turns into a battle ground!
:frog: chill out peeps, I know we've all got ego's, but thats best left at the door. Let's all dance like the green frog :haha:
@Rwdyredhead just a heads up anything that is square or area is 2 dimensional; a footprint looking from the top down for example. You posted 6 zips / 2 high x 1.5 wide plant, the real math is lxwxh 1.5x1.5x2= 4.5 Cubic feet and that is 1.333 oz/ cubic foot.

Funny how every few months someone tops a plant maybe does some training and thinks they invented the wheel.

@Tbag Thank you so much for that math lesson, as I stated math was not my best subject but if you're going to call me out on being math ignorant and correct my calculations shouldn't you correct all of them?
Because if the 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft plant comes out to 1.333 oz/cubic foot then that means the 6.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 plant comes out different also @ .145 oz/cubic foot

Now I'm going to ask you since you're the mathematician here, Isn't that actually 9 x more bud per CUBIC foot?
I may again be showing my math ignorance here, but don't you have to multiply .145 x 9.2 to get 1.333?(1.334)
That's what my cell phone calculator is telling me anyways

And I never said anyone invented the wheel I was just saying there's no need to knock someone growing style when they're getting more than respectable yields growing that way
If you think what Green75 is doing is topping and a little training then you might want to check it out so you'll be more informed when you pop up in a conversation that has nothing to do with you and insult folks you don't even know
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@Tbag Thank you so much for that math lesson, as I stated math was not my best subject but if you're going to call me out on being math ignorant and correct my calculations shouldn't you correct all of them?
Because if the 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft plant comes out to 1.333 oz/cubic foot then that means the 6.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 plant comes out different also @ .145 oz/cubic foot

Now I'm going to ask you since you're the mathematician here, Isn't that still 9 x more bud per CUBIC foot?
I may again be showing my math ignorance here, but don't you have to multiply .145 x 9.2 to get 1.333?(1.334)
That's what my cell phone calculator is telling me anyways

And I never said anyone invented the wheel I was just saying there's no need to knock someone growing style when they're getting more than respectable yields growing that way
If you think what Green75 is doing is topping and a little training then you might want to check it out so you'll be more informed when you pop up in a conversation that has nothing to do with you and insult folks you don't even know
I really hope you are not thinking I was knocking anyone as it was not my intent which I clearly stated. I was just asking why you guys do what you do...
I really hope you are not thinking I was knocking anyone as it was not my intent which I clearly stated. I was just asking why you guys do what you do...

No I don't think that dude
I actually checked out your plants last night and fking Wow
I would love to see you do some extreme shit to some plants just to see what you can get out of them
I agree with the growing space issue you mentioned earlier as well
I saw that you have quite a bit of room & can deal with about whatever size plant you choose to grow
Lucky ass
I can't even grow half of what I want to grow because there just is no space to do it

If I offended anyone or seem to have an ego I can promise you it's not my intention at all
Hell I've only been growing for 9 months and am still making sooo many mistakes, will be for a long time to come
Just look at how leafy my plant is!!
Obviously my nitrogen is off & I think it's because I'm not stopping it soon enough, trying to apply a photo nute schedule to an auto grow & not stop too quickly with the nitrogen, I'm actually going too long. I think??? Not sure tho

Even my lst during the stretch was a mistake because it separated some of the buds from the colas they would of been on
Much of my bud ended up in the middle & you don't see it because the taller outer colas cover it up & I could only use one pic from the side
Another lesson learned the hard way lol

Last thing I wanna do is argue with anyone
It's Friday, it's a beautiful day out here in the sticks, sunshine and summer flowers everywhere
Mother Nature has me in awe today...everyday
Life couldn't be any sweeter!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend
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I do it for 2 reasons.

I do it to experiment. I change things on every grow and try all the things I've read "you can't do" to the plant to see what's BS and what's legit. Turns out there's some misinformation in the growing community.

Growing is a hobby for me and getting the fattest, most dense, high quality buds is the most important thing to me. Yield is way down my list. I'd rather get 3 ounces of high grade than 8 ounces of mediocre.
I really hope you are not thinking I was knocking anyone as it was not my intent which I clearly stated. I was just asking why you guys do what you do...
@Ripper I have managed to train this plant into an even canopy for the best use of my light, also I think it looks pretty cool, it really is each to their own, I hope you enjoy trying out a new system dude:pass:
No I don't think that dude
I actually checked out your plants last night and fking Wow
I would love to see you do some extreme shit to some plants just to see what you can get out of them
I agree with the growing space issue you mentioned earlier as well
I saw that you have quite a bit of room & can deal with about whatever size plant you choose to grow
Lucky ass
I can't even grow half of what I want to grow because there just is no space to do it

If I offended anyone or seem to have an ego I can promise you it's not my intention at all
Hell I've only been growing for 9 months and am still making sooo many mistakes, will be for a long time to come
Just look at how leafy my plant is!!
Obviously my nitrogen is off & I think it's because I'm not stopping it soon enough, trying to apply a photo nute schedule to an auto grow & not stop too quickly with the nitrogen, I'm actually going too long. I think??? Not sure tho

Even my lst during the stretch was a mistake because it separated some of the buds from the colas they would of been on
Much of my bud ended up in the middle & you don't see it because the taller outer colas cover it up & I could only use one pic from the side
Another lesson learned the hard way lol

Last thing I wanna do is argue with anyone
It's Friday, it's a beautiful day out here in the sticks, sunshine and summer flowers everywhere
Mother Nature has me in awe today...everyday
In 4 hours it's officially the weekend and I'm going away for a few days of hog hunting, fishing, swimming, and staying fked up
Life couldn't be any sweeter!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend
I didn't take you as anything other then writing a great post just wanted to make sure nobody was thinking I was trying to pick on anyone as it was never my intention. Happy growing all.
So I gotta chime in here on behalf of Team Auto Mechanics and our growing methods
I mean no disrespect to anyone I'm just trying to answer the questions that were asked about the method of growing my team is so fond of so if I'm wrong here please don't hesitate to correct me...

Math wasn't my best subject in school but I think I understand square footage and by my calculations a plant that is 6.5ft x 3.5ft comes out to be 22.75 sq ft total...If said plant produced 11.6ozs that means you got about 1/2oz per square foot

I watched the video of Green75's Ogre being harvested and followed his grow & I'd say his plant was maybe 2ft tall and maybe 1.5ft wide, just estimating of course but I'm confident that's real close if not over the correct measurements, so 2ft x 1.5ft=3sq ft and at 6ozs means he got 2oz per square foot
In which case a 6.5ftx3.5ft plant would of had to produce 45.5 Ounces of Bud to equal what Green75's plant produced per sq ft

The Lsd 25 I grew for this contest(pic above) produced 4.5ozs and was around 16 inches tall and 18 inches wide, that comes out to 2sq ft and 2.25ozs per sq ft. I topped it at 13 days and after that left it alone for a while because it had root rot and I didn't want to stress it further. It recovered and was a beautiful bushy plant at 30 days old & was already stretching in early flower.

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I posted pics here & on my home forum and everyone said how pretty she was and healthy looking & I thought so too...but...I just wasn't satisfied with what I was looking at. She was pretty, but she was just a normal looking plant and having come up learning under Green75's methods from day one, it was driving me nuts to see her like that lol. She was boring, just another pretty face, a text book weed plant. Yeah she would grow some nice bud but I had let her go without my usual extensive/extreme lst and in my mind I had to fix that, in flower or not, she had the potential to be more. The next day I did this to her...

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Now I personally think it's cool to grow a plant the size of a tree. I mean no disrespect at all in my argument. I just don't get what y'all don't get about all this.
I'm sure plenty of folks have gotten more bud than all of us on naturally grown plants but as cool as it is to grow a big plant, it's just not convenient for most indoor growers due to space but other than that, I think some of the appeal in growing like we do is that it's just cool as fuck! It's different and fun and interesting. You find yourself anxiously waiting to see how the plant will react. We often talk of how amazing these plants are and how the stress just seems to bring out the best in them. It's also cool because of the reaction you get from people, because of the idea that you can't do that stuff to autoflowers, you just can't.

Yeah the plants don't get big but they are nothing but buds!! Big, dense, fat, heavy buds with no stretchy stems in between & no having to move the lights all the way to the ceiling or having to get shorter plants up to where they need to be. Not to mention there's a lot to be said for doing shit different than everyone else is doing it. There's nothing exceptional in doing what everyone else is already doing. I don't go to the extreme, as of yet, that the other members of my team do with their plants but I salute them because it's people who aren't afraid to break molds and look crazy to the rest of the world who figure out cool new shit sometimes. Like Green says, "Don't think outside the box, think like there is no box."

Respect & Love to my Crew...@Green75 @MARLEY. @sonny @LuckyAcres
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Very well said Red!! Team AutoMechanics Rock on!!
@Rwdyredhead just a heads up anything that is square or area is 2 dimensional; a footprint looking from the top down for example. You posted 6 zips / 2 high x 1.5 wide plant, the real math is lxwxh 1.5x1.5x2= 4.5 Cubic feet and that is 1.333 oz/ cubic foot.

Funny how every few months someone tops a plant maybe does some training and thinks they invented the wheel.
yep funny as hell Dbag!