Fast Buds Fast buds, Winter Freezing Shed Challenge!

I have an outdoor shed and winters are cold here. I have a heater set to turn on at 21c and turn off at 24c. I know those aren't supposed to be optimal temperatures but the two plants in that shed are doing well - one of them has outgrown its 25 gallon pot and is overdue for putting on 12s. My point is though I'd like to have it warmer, the plants are still growing like weeds.

Hey there Rasterman, my findings have been similar, but I won’t speak to soon. It’s really cold today -1 all day and I’m ignoring the weather tonight… I popped their little humidity jackets of today so the can fight the good fight..
Oh I switched the small Tubular heater on also to keep Them around 21c And treated them a little tap water.
Girls are 7day‘s so Update, it’s definitely cold out there….
Blue is struggling a little and Rhino is in the lead then Zskit. but it’s all early days ..

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this is a good watch, good luck :thumbsup:

Thanks very Much, I’m not taking it very seriously and I intend on giving there girls a really difficult time. It’s going to be tough love, tap water, crazy temperature spikes and and some serious climate issues…

I shall see how they look on day 14 upload a photo, I will aim to connect up the BluMat’s then also if they’re drinking and also I’m going to ignore them as much as possible…:smoking:
Whoop Whoop! Monday Update, Day 14.

Zskit is starting to fly, she is seemingly a strong girl as of today. Next up is Miss Rhino who is a little pale in colour this week. Blue has caught up and is also showing signs of a strong foundation.

I decided to add in the Blumat’s today I could of left it a while longer to be honest, but I cannae be bothered to make many trips to the shed in this weather.

Statistics on this mismanagement of a grow,it’s been an average of 18c in the box with highs of 19.5c and lows sit around 13c throughout the night. BRRRR!
lights are still at 25w Led full spectrum, running a small tube heater thermostat sets to 19c

Thanks for dropping bye

:shooty:Cowboy growing :shrug:


(Intense Nutrients started today @ 1mil per l.)

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Hey Guy’s, just had a check up in the average daytime temperature, I’m achieving an average of 18.5 :shooty: as I did mentioned I’m pushing the girls through some extreme discomfort.

Having said that the girls are looking good for their intended purposes, a simple no fuss micro grow. They are all drinking well the slight Nutrients kick seem to be going down a treat..

Week 3Three…

What’s new well the girls are doing better than expected, what with all the seasonal colds around im glad I added in the Blumat’s, they have been running well I can report. It’s early days and I was a little unsure of flushing Organix through the small tubes..thankfully all is well so far, I’m giving the res a little clear and rinse out at every change to remove salts and scale..
Lights are still running around 30w, Why well Im attempting to prevent the stretch as much as is possibly possible. The lights are only 6” above canopy to stunt the growth.
The main concern here is FastBuds Miss Zkittlez, she is a real strong genetic height estimated @70 – 100 cm and it really shows.
I can sense her straining to break free of the restrictions i have implemented.
Miss Blue is struggling a little, it was always my intention to push boundaries so I’m more Surprised Miss Zskit and Miss Ryder are doing so well..
Small lower branches removed.
All Credit to FastBuds.

:shooty:Cowboy Growing :shooty:

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Apologies to FastBuds but I had to pull the plug on this project, I’m in the middle of building a proper growing box and as I need to transfer and fit all my equipment into the new environment it’s just been impossible to keep these girls..

Please understand it’s frowned upon here to grow and produce, so I’m extremely limited in what I can and can’t get away with…
Small shed=Me making building noise and clearing out the shed=Neighbors constantly window watching and all that Jazz….

I will keep this thread as a rolling project and update wit the building and new seeds once I’m able..
Rip Girls ..:shrug:

Happy growbags.. all. :shooty:
Apologies to FastBuds but I had to pull the plug on this project, I’m in the middle of building a proper growing box and as I need to transfer and fit all my equipment into the new environment it’s just been impossible to keep these girls..

Please understand it’s frowned upon here to grow and produce, so I’m extremely limited in what I can and can’t get away with…
Small shed=Me making building noise and clearing out the shed=Neighbors constantly window watching and all that Jazz….

I will keep this thread as a rolling project and update wit the building and new seeds once I’m able..
Rip Girls ..:shrug:

Happy growbags.. all. :shooty:
Oooo-shed! I just went through the shed exercise a month ago. I bought a hasp to lock it but haven't installed it yet. I had a vivid dream a couple of nights ago, when I walked in there and the two huge plants, one late in flower and the other just getting started; and the other plants I put on flower recently, all gone! My brand-new lights - gone!

I screamed out in frustration and anger (woke up my wife) and headed towards the next door neighbor's house.

Then I woke up. What a relief! That hasp gets installed tomorrow. That's the only place I have anything on flower now.
The new grow box so far, striped out the shelves and door, bare bones…box £20 charity shop buy, £26 insulation and a whole lot of aches and pain so far,,building this mini monster in the girls play house will then transport to shed..


@Rasterman lol, I hate them vivid dreams…sometime that to much…