We breed our seeds as selectively as possible. By the time a fem auto seed hits the market it's f3 or f4 + s1, one trick ponies that do their thing,, and we do a test grow of the fem batch as well, so by the time it hits the market we're very experienced and familiar with it. Out of 30k seeds sold this year we've had reports of 2-3 hermaphrodites and none that have failed to autoflower. Flowering time varies, like most other attributes. We get consistent results per cross. Pretty straight forward company. Our seeds are bred by us here in the US, they're fat, dark and mature, our plants are frosty monsters, we give out more freebies than anyone, our prices are about 40% less than average and our customers are happy. When there are issues we fix them. There's no agenda unseen, nothing amateur or inexperienced about it, it's not all about the money, no ego, no hate, just a couple of guys who made a plan and executed it.