Sweet Seeds f6 does 'mystery' Sweet Seeds aquaponic grow #test


now under 600w hps, still working on a few plumbing issues haha!

oooh, so quiet in here! :woody:

day 35 & she has stopped growing since she went under HPS @ 20/4

comparing the above photo at day 35, she seems to be bulking up some, food is looking good and my Optic Foliar should be here tomorrow :cools:

@Sweet Seeds @Sweet Seeds Jay guys, is there anything I can do to help my baby? Should I go back to 24/0?


day 43 and there has been some unpleasantness'

it has always had a lean but DE medium getting dissolved a bit to much, causing issues with airstone. Roots also were dry for a few hours as I had a issue with my bilge pump :(

I have put this plant through hell and it's still doing its thing, product of a very budget diy system. Am hand feeding/changing water and spraying with optic foliar overgrow.

plant has always been very bright green but the yellowing leaves worry me, there is some obvious stress :(


still getting bud development

great structure to the plant, its just copped a beating from me building out the system, can't wait to get another one going soon!

video incoming, I have the hardware to finish the plumbing/pumping in a few days time.

cheers & :pass:


vid of the system


new sump to send water back to fish tank and bio filter, had a float level wierd up to turn it on or off to maintain water level.


I used a tablet holder suction pad to make the float adjustable and not need to drill a hole in my sump tub.

thanks for looking

I think she has finished, day 61 and all leaves have yellowed, going to flush for a week, here are a few of the better shaped buds, anyone hazard a guess of the strain?





modest yield 63g semi dried, have been puffing away on a satellite that was taken down a week before I pulled it.

smell is citrus, smoke is smooth and earthy with a good balance of relaxation and usable stimulation.

should be good with some cure!
