Sweet Seeds f6 does 'mystery' Sweet Seeds aquaponic grow #test


Jun 8, 2016
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Hey guys,

This is a test grow for my aquaponics system, I started a thread in the live grow journal section but made a bit of a mess of it, thought I would move over here for more specific feedback (think I'm talking to myself sometimes.. Or is that the Dakar?)


OK, so I have 6 comets, 3 goldies and 3 algae eating catfish in a 130L tank making poo (ammonia).

A huge 25L bio filter which (with some friendly bacteria) converts the ammonia into nitrites, then another turns the nitrites into nitrates which the plant can use :)

Takes a bit of time to build up the bio levels but I am about there!

Here is the system,


Bio filter on the left, 60x40x60 tent with a 27L mesh bottom pot suspended into the 130L tank, recirculating feeder with bubbler below (see next pic for basket setup), 2x 55w T5.


Older pic,

Here is my princess at Day 16

Poor lady has had a few traumas, I knew this would be the case with this setup but she looks amazing and healthy, although a little small.

After germination a desk led fell on her :( no serious damage I guess)
Early under the T5 she got a bit warm, 34-38 degrees'ish
Bubbler stopped working about 5 days ago... :'( pretty sure this is the biggest issue holding her back.

I plan to move to a 1m x 1m tent with either a good 400w hps or led for flowering, secular feeding to protect the aquarium :smiley1:

Wish me Sweet luck! And if you can pick the strain that would be mad! (bit early obviously)

Just a note to self regarding system readings :help:

PH - 6.3 (any good tips to keep this down, have been struggling keeping it low)
ammonia - 0ppm :woohoo:
nitrite - 2.0ppm :nono:
nitrate - 10ppm :drool:
2x T5 55w @ 24/0
water 21 degrees
ambient - 26/28 degrees
EC - 500ppm :hump: (I grow in DE, I guess the pen pics up some of the trace minerals and stuff)

plant is day 17
11cm high
17cm wide

*note to self, these levels are pretty good, worst of the cycling out of the way!

plant has suffered the system being immature dispite attempts at loading up some bio activity the good bacteria take time to get established. Little bastards.

the other half recons it's not big but it's pretty..

not sure if she meant me or the plant?

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day 21 after a feed of Charlie carp and gogo juice!


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no idea why this pic is on it's side but wanted to show just how many points she is booming from, hard to see, camera can't even get in there properly!

only day 22 and she has used quite a bit of water and nutes!
nitrite and nitrate are dropping, now at 1.0ppm and 7-8ppm respectively, need a foliar solution or feed when topping up water. Problem is this will mess with the aquarium unless I hand feed daily.


little bit of burn on her tips, she got up about 2" from the T5.. think she will be ok :fire:


Any ideas on feeding this thing? Am actually a bit worried I will run out of basic available food in the aquarium for it, I plan to pop a seed 4 or 5 weeks before finish so I will have 2 going at once, this girl in another tent when she gets to big and seedling under this T5

was looking at 'optic foliar overdrive' but having trouble getting it in my country

so no piccies until day 28!

I have a house inspection on day 28 and need to break the system down for a few hours at which time i will perform maintenance and put the plant in a new tent for flowering, initially with just an additional T5 with flowering tubes and drop light times to 20/4. I need to decide if I will hps or cmh and how much watt!

rough personal grow schedule at the moment is

0-7 days, water, desk led
7-14 days, aquarium water, T5
14-28 days, feed 3 days, 4 days of aquarium water
28 days + = flowering tent, 2 day on/off feeding

+ foliar feeding Optic Foliar Overgrow
gogo juice and Charlie carp at 1/3rd strength

that is my reference at the moment and will be important for the next grow after what I am learning this time around. ;)

Any comments be welcomed :)

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day 28 and new lodgings! 1m x 1m x2m!
transition was not without some trauma as I had a house inspection and she was in a box for a few hours, some bruising as I am ham fisted....

got tent local, hydro guy wet himself at the amount of points without tipping. Gotta be happy but looking forward to a seasoned system, still using T5 until can afford CMH, otherwise I will have to go 600w hps



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no pics today, just researching lights.

Looking to go 2x 250w cmh bulbs 3600k with decent ballasts that are comparable as the globes available are retrofit E40 bases. Simply cannot afford a HiPar 315w ballast omg...

I kinda like 500w for 1mx1mx2m space and not going to kill the power bill.


any advise guys? My old system was 1k MH/HPS dinosaur china hat noisy bastard so I'm lacking some finesse.