Grow Mediums Eyes on Fire Does..Kindsoil Live Testing for the CannaZone

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well I had the same similar issue with mine actually. I noticed when it hit the soil(Kind Soil) since the green deepened up slowly but noticeable though. but once it started it was still slow if you remember my posts early on. but now the Moonstone Amnesia is REALLY going now :D I think you'll have a very similar issue imho. swwut happened ta me anyway man. Photo,Auto,imo it'll happen with each sue again to the potent density of the foods in the'll adjust assuming all is fairly normal and then POW!!
and take this for example, notice the lighter close to yellowing of the outter top chutes. thats is a direct correlation to the soil being tapped for resources. thats why I wanted to top coat and touched on in a week or so ago ;) but anywho,looking great otherwise and the SNOG is really getting smelly sweet and frosty as ya want em too :D

LMAO! true but not typically enough to click yer gear or cause a lot of harm unlike boosted spot about as you know LOL i live near a plant myself. most do or something similar.LNG plant as well.
LOL thank you dude,mucho appreciated. that is funny man. you guys do awesome all the time. i have issues all the time,cold/winter,massively high RH and temps were up for a cpl weeks and still vary. but i handle it accordingly and one thing that was talked about SOOOO long ago now it seems like literally another life ago LOL but has to deal with lighting cycles,root development and so used and put in and taken and stress levels is all playing a role for my specific grow style. when they are stressed for example AND heat is up on top of another thing or two and they are like ugggh I hate it right now..PULL EM!! dont force them through.(equals damage ultimately), cool em down and put for lesser lite area and a cool fan on them lightly and give them a cool drink.just a sip,not a full watering.just a cup of a nice cool refreshing beverage :D LOL! and thats how essentially they look like they do ,most times.but again Im sorry I couldnt top the moonstone since the mainly more aggressive feeder (for chutes) roots have either been pruned in full feeding action or which in combo i is just tapped for enough resources to go around so the color will wain as it progresses,and should be smaller or thinner most likely ,Flowers. Ive grown each of these twice in my soil and did exceedingly awesome imho.but of course Im bias LOL! anywho,freshly stoned and rambling,but thats essentially my grow style in broad strokes.i take what a living thing wants and give it to em.stressed,i give them their version of chilling and burning one if you will.each time,throughout the grow as I can manage with the work,but its tough. okies..LOL L8rz be good all.
nvm LOL yeah I was about to blow a gasket man LOL!!

@Kindsoil hey buddy,twaz curious about the yellowing and lack of N and potential lesser foods being exhausted.can or should we top coat since Im far from the only one looking to do said thing. opinions? guesses? ideas..? thanks bro! mucho appreciated!!
oh i know,i get it.problem is is that I see lacking so Im asking KS to weigh in some. just simply due to that fact that mine if behind bromeos and its already lacking in N as we see. so instead of watching it pencil out the flowers(meaning thinner than usual) I'd like to hit it with something. but ofcourse i'll wait.but I need to ask Kind Soil like briman mentioned? but yeah I aont got any issue with it i just HAAATE eye sores is all. and this is an eye sore to me. but if it gets much worse down the road which i truly do expect it do to,ill re ask again at that point.IF its even repairable at that later stage.but Ms. Blue I assre you I get it lass :) promise just taking steps when its bad since it WILL get worse,thats all.
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