read this book since it'll cover all of these things covered here. toxins,chelation processes and removal and the like. acids n ,well everything. eating of heavy metal you name it,biology remains king!! and all you need to do is swing the PH close(NOT EXACT) to where you need or give it a buffering helping hand like baking soda. and the living soil should almost always do the rest unless hard chems are present then you handle accordingly,but again, swing it close.and Im betting your results will improve. this is not a question answered to anyone specific ,this is just a general statement fellers,and ladies
but the snog was out and the MSA was too for a wee drink last evening and took some fresh of the morning pics for yaz. beaty man,smells perfectly floral sweet with that lemony OG mellow ya know n love. just a sweet mellow OG smoke. sorry the MSA was done the way she was but Ive already fixed that issue. and in all honesty I could see this technique being used across the board since it'll sole the leaching issue.less space or room to move and re pick up the leached or moving foods if leaching at all will not be removed from the soil or media as easily. bacteria and fungi retain the greatest amount of nutrients in their biomass,therby ending leaching nutrients from soil, and soilless media
the life and simple balance will eat the toxins exuded n so on,including but not limited to heavy metals ,heavy metals are toxic to organisms at 3 to 10ppm (0.01 to 0.02 mS)..
the yellowing is a prime example of leached foods in a shallow life bed.essentially thats whats been created with an over abundance of roots and feeding roots.only minimal life in that pot with a lack of foods available.