Indoor Eye Likes Pot

growing anything that helps people IS also pure ARTWORK, AND Judgeing from your growing skills ,your gonna help some people.nice work.
Thank you! I honestly think if it wasn't for AFN I'd be completely lost. There's so much information and so many amazing people willing to give advice and help that it's almost impossible to not do well.
thats for sure , but im having a hard time posting my pictures worried about how secure site is,as im in an oil and edible new state ,no growing allowed, just passed oils and edibles. freaking retardted. god put it here and im growing it. Plus i like getting high so the heck with it.
thats for sure , but im having a hard time posting my pictures worried about how secure site is,as im in an oil and edible new state ,no growing allowed, just passed oils and edibles. freaking retardted. god put it here and im growing it. Plus i like getting high so the heck with it.
I don't think I've ever heard of or seen anybody get in trouble for what they post here. There are quite a few people in similar situations, but I believe it's best to err on the side of caution.
Day 30. Gave her 2 liters of water with 1.5 ml cal/mag, 2.25 ml AN g,m,b and 1.5 ml silica. She is just shy of 8" tall.
thats for sure , but im having a hard time posting my pictures worried about how secure site is,as im in an oil and edible new state ,no growing allowed, just passed oils and edibles. freaking retardted. god put it here and im growing it. Plus i like getting high so the heck with it.

Every post, every picture, and your personal IP are only a subpoena away.

Run a VPN or use free WiFi and nothing can be traced back to you.

Or just say fuck it as they aren't going to worry about small fish who grow a plant.

If a commercial grower came on and bragged, or if they want you for something else and just want to pile on then I'd give it a second thought.

I run a VPN, I am posting this from France according to my current IP.

I can come back in 10 seconds and post from Canada if I wanted....


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