Indoor Eye Likes Pot

She looks OK to me ... Hard to over water in a 20 gal pot ... I'd wait a 3-4 days and then give her about a cup of water in a circle about 3" from the stem ... unless you need the heat I'd turn off everything but the main LED ... and have that about 24"-30" above seedling ...
She looks OK to me ... Hard to over water in a 20 gal pot ... I'd wait a 3-4 days and then give her about a cup of water in a circle about 3" from the stem ... unless you need the heat I'd turn off everything but the main LED ... and have that about 24"-30" above seedling ...
Thanks for the advice! It's appreciated! She really just didn't seem happy yesterday, and I did give her a liter of water in the afternoon but slowly over the course of an hour and only so much since the pot seemed so dry. I also double checked my ph meter and it was off some. I PhD the water to 6.1. I didn't water enough to get any run off. I've seen some conflicting things about what ph should be with FF coco loco. She seems a lot happier today though!
Day 3
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Day 4 from sprout. She's growing! I think I see her next set of leaves coming in. I've been trying to learn more about water PH and the different things that can affect it as well as what the PH should be for my medium. Lol.. Everytime I think I've figured it out I find something else that makes me question everything. Temperature for example seems to play a huge role in PH. I've been considering just switching to distilled water when I water next since exposure to air at my temperature seems to drop it's PH right into what I think is the right range of 6.3 to 6.8? Although I've seen some PH readings of distilled water as low as 5. And I'm not sure how the dolomite lime plays into buffering the water that I use. Thoughts, opinions, and shared experiences are welcome!
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I use purified water ... if you haven't bought your nutes yet consider PH Perfect from Advanced Nutrition ... there are a lot of variables that come w/ time and PH Perfect makes ph control effortless ... you'll need CalMag also ...
Awesome! Thanks!! Just ordered the AN pH perfect micro grow and bloom as well as their sensi grow cal /mag. Should all be here Saturday. I'll still probably obsess about pH, but that's just me. I like to know everything about anything I involve myself in at all. I feel like those leaves are shaped funny. I've been driving myself slightly loony today with it. They aren't pointy at all. She still has her seed case stuck to her stem under her leaves too. Anyway... thanks for the recommendation! I'll just stick with the pure water too since I usually have it on hand to begin with.
You can probably wait til your nutes come before you water again ... then mix up about a quart at 1/4 to 1/2 strength along w/ 1/4 strength calmag ... do the math carefully ... slowly pour water in a thin 4-6" circle around the plant ... the idea is to train the roots to grow down and out ... bigger roots = bigger plant ... the nutes will take care of the ph for you ... I get my purified water at various kiosks around town for about $.25 / gal.

You can probably wait til your nutes come before you water again ... then mix up about a quart at 1/4 to 1/2 strength along w/ 1/4 strength calmag ... do the math carefully ... slowly pour water in a thin 4-6" circle around the plant ... the idea is to train the roots to grow down and out ... bigger roots = bigger plant ... the nutes will take care of the ph for you ... I get my purified water at various kiosks around town for about $.25 / gal.

Will definitely follow your advice on this one! I just went to check on her and wouldn't you know, that seed case FINALLY fell off. Poor girl couldn't stand up straight till now.
Day 4. Seed case finally fell off. Hooray!
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Will definitely follow your advice on this one! I just went to check on her and wouldn't you know, that seed case FINALLY fell off. Poor girl couldn't stand up straight till now. View attachment 575090
She looks happy! Good luck with your auto, I'm finishing out some photos of it then its nothing but autos for a while.