(Experienced Growers Only) Controversial Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields - Photoperiod Plants

hi JM, what is on the leaves in the last pic ? when zooming in it looks almost as if it is thrip damage/trails

glad your doing a side by side , my test plant didnt take to normal watering well at all after raping her , she wilted bad, i put it back in the veg room, if it survives ill veg it another month for a good recovery then flip it again

peace :cool:
yes but all that being said....i would rather 6 or 8 bud leafs getting the light than the one fan leaf shading them from penetration
i have thread about techniques and all the science aside of what should happen the plants treated w/ removing fan leafs earlier to get to lower shoots has inturn made the plants much larger than the control
and this is under a 1000 watter so penetration isn't as much an issue as heat usually
cna't wait to see some chopping JM
I also should say i like defoliating during the first stages of production of the fan leaf when it is younger than later in flower
mostly i defoliate to allow light to what would be garbage hash bin product underneath
alot of people remove lower branching to not waste light i am sure this isn't ideal for a plant either
best case scenario is the wide elipictical cycle of the sun that hits all leaves in nature but artificial lights don't get this even w/ a light mover it just helps
I had the little red ones. I had my best luck with Vapona strips. I don't know if I really would reccomend them because of their unhelthy aspect but they did kill the spicer mites. I still use them but my wife and I haven't died yet.

I've had an ongoing spider mite problem... which I'm starting to beat.... :shrug: the game goes on...
I had the little red ones. I had my best luck with Vapona strips. I don't know if I really would reccomend them because of their unhelthy aspect but they did kill the spicer mites. I still use them but my wife and I haven't died yet.

i buy the hot shots brand , same ingredients , slighty higher in one but hardly at all , and can be bought at hardware stores , canadian tire , wallmart , ect ect

hell i have 5 hanging in my basement and 1 in my living room , 1 in my pc room , 1 in my kitchen , and one in the 5X10 tent in my master bedroom where i sleep

ive been useing them for about 3 years , i replace one then sometime/whenever possible i replace another ect ect and i havent died yet

i truely believe and praise them for being what finally rid me of mites after a year+ battle and trying EVERYTHING i could get my hands on

i do not however believe they are good for up to 4 months as advertized , bellow ill give my experience and advice when/for useing them ,,,,,,

when i first put ONE up it was in the basement , the fruit flies were loving the empty beer cans and breeding like rabbits on V , these strips are so powerful it not only killed the flies in the basement but every damn fly upstairs as well , as time went on i started to realize flies would land on them even when they were only weeks and even days old , hence the reason i do not believe they are good for 4 months

now then, when i finally killed the mites i took this new found information and bought multiple strips , opening one every 2-3 days , to my extream excitment a week later i could not find one single mite , and to this day (approx 2 years later) i am still mite free

peace :cool:
wow! mustard gas while you sleep bob? jm is an organic man:dance:
[video]http://www.epa.gov/oppsrrd1/cumulative/pra-op/overview.htm[/video] the good doctor is a tool of the government, read between the line's.:peace: