05/22/13 Trial #2
Well, I decided not to continue with these for another 29 weeks !!! Curiosity got me as to if there was anything at all alive inside the seed shells and was very much surprised with what I found. When I gently cracked the seeds myself, 80% of the seeds that were soaked for 72 hrs in distilled water had 'white' embryonic matter inside. Only 15% of the H2O2 soaked seeds had 'white' embryonic material. The remaining seeds either would not crack even with heavy pressure or when cracked had black or dark brown (dead I suspect) matter inside. I selected eight of the healthiest cracked seeds with white embryonic matter, undamaged from manually cracking, and buried them 1/2 inch in sterilized peat. Time will tell !!!
Well, I believe I gave these manually cracked seeds long enough to show themselves. TO THE BIRDS THEY GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been too busy with my 'real' grow to start up another old seed trial... but I haven't given up. As Arnold would say..... I'll be back !