Someone just told me they've had old seeds take five months to germ. :jaw:
I don't know how anyone would have the patience to wait five months. I toss mine at 7 days if I don't get germination but I am quite the impatient type.
Someone just told me they've had old seeds take five months to germ. :jaw:
Try filing the edges Grow da herb. I file the most pronounced edge of the seed and then the very pointy end.It seems to help ALOT with tough seed casings. don't go to deep,just till you see the brown layer under the shell,if you see white you went to deep.
I use some sand paper rip off a lil piece and fold it i use a 150 or 220 grit anything bigger the grit may catch on to piece of the shell and break a piece of might be ok f you have enough seeds but i rather the ^ grit..tried 400 grit but too small for me seems to more polish the seed case and those usually didnt germ with that the sides of the seed that would open and lightly on the point. Have you tried some Kelp in your water? either soaking them for some hours to a day or just germin them in for me even the mix of kelp and h2o2..I dont use paper towel anymore since I use cotton i find here no prob tried those Cotton pads for cleaning the face worked good 2 with water h2o2 or the kelp mix...HOPE u can get some germs man...
Dam GDH, I was pulling for you hard man. Every time I see your thread pop up I am hoping for good news. I am having germ problems myself. Good luck on getting the spark of life in those little embryos.
Next trial run, I am going to need to find a way to overcome these extremely hardened seed casings. The 'scarification' technique for 15 seconds was obviously inadequate. Suggestions anyone ????
05/22/13 Trial #2
Well, I decided not to continue with these for another 29 weeks !!! Curiosity got me as to if there was anything at all alive inside the seed shells and was very much surprised with what I found. When I gently cracked the seeds myself, 80% of the seeds that were soaked for 72 hrs in distilled water had 'white' embryonic matter inside. Only 15% of the H2O2 soaked seeds had 'white' embryonic material. The remaining seeds either would not crack even with heavy pressure or when cracked had black or dark brown (dead I suspect) matter inside.
I selected eight of the healthiest cracked seeds with white embryonic matter, undamaged from manually cracking, and buried them 1/2 inch in sterilized peat. Time will tell !!!
Next trial run, I am going to need to find a way to overcome these extremely hardened seed casings. The 'scarification' technique for 15 seconds was obviously inadequate. Suggestions anyone ????