Live Stoners eP's silly 420 Competition.....but good prizes !!!

I have some bad news. Sorry if this is a bit disjointed, but I'm a little shaken up. I just got back home from work a moment ago to find this:
ransacked.jpg The place has been ransacked. It's pretty obvious who did it, the floor is covered in two inches of guano, but just to make sure I was in no doubt they left their calling card
calling card.jpg This is bad guys, really bad. They took the fish stick seeds and all the seeds in my stash, my glass, everything. All that was left in the drawer where I keep my weed was this
cod-heads.jpg This is fubar, they're nutjobs man, the sickos even took my dogs. I'm getting out of town and laying low for a while, I suggest you do the same everyone. @arty zan , I'm not pointing fingers but this is clearly all your fault. We were fine until you started posting their pictures on here, if I were you I'd consider buying some cod in butter sauces and doing a Birdseye before you find your head being tapdanced on by the happy feet of these lunatics in some kind of gory riverdance.
@epenguin your only chance now is to find Birdseye. That won't be easy, as I've heard he's got several doubles and they're stepping up production in the smoke
doubles.jpg I'd start your search there but I don't hold out much hope, he's been one step ahead of us all along, using us to spread the hype about the stick. It's almost as if he planned this from the start, the crafty bastard
ps oh yeah, they must have taken the wife and kids too
And here is my very last bribe to eP.... Errrr.... gift..... Errrr.... contest entry, yeah that's it, my final contest entry !

Outdoor dirt eP "heads-up" strain Grow

There are 2 parts in this video showing the patented eP "heads-up" strain being grown outdoors in a regular backyard dirt garden.

Care and feeding is shown. Curing, processing, and consumption is shown.

Smoke report is the final shot in the vid.

(It's also my gift to any AFN members who have never seen this award winning hall of fame video for stoners)

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I have some bad news. Sorry if this is a bit disjointed, but I'm a little shaken up. I just got back home from work a moment ago to find this:
View attachment 557108 The place has been ransacked. It's pretty obvious who did it, the floor is covered in two inches of guano, but just to make sure I was in no doubt they left their calling card
View attachment 557109 This is bad guys, really bad. They took the fish stick seeds and all the seeds in my stash, my glass, everything. All that was left in the drawer where I keep my weed was this
View attachment 557110 This is fubar, they're nutjobs man, the sickos even took my dogs. I'm getting out of town and laying low for a while, I suggest you do the same everyone. @arty zan , I'm not pointing fingers but this is clearly all your fault. We were fine until you started posting their pictures on here, if I were you I'd consider buying some cod in butter sauces and doing a Birdseye before you find your head being tapdanced on by the happy feet of these lunatics in some kind of gory riverdance.
@epenguin your only chance now is to find Birdseye. That won't be easy, as I've heard he's got several doubles and they're stepping up production in the smoke
View attachment 557111 I'd start your search there but I don't hold out much hope, he's been one step ahead of us all along, using us to spread the hype about the stick. It's almost as if he planned this from the start, the crafty bastard
View attachment 557112
ps oh yeah, they must have taken the wife and kids too

Don't shoot the messenger, they already knew about the Captain hornswaggling those seeds and the photo I sent of the monks massing was prior to my message, they already knew.

The only way they could of know about you is if they got their flippers on the Captain and he squealed, the guy has haddock for brains and fish for fingers, one slippery customer but that's the corporate world for you.

The Captain in my opinion must be a time lord just like Dr Who and keeps regenerating, I'm sure the penguins don't know this and they just think the Captain is a master of disguise , albeit always seen in the same uniform and has the same crappy beard & only changes his face.

The Captains boat is called the "Turdis" and has been seen to materialize and dematerialize in antarctic waters, I'm thinking this is how he made his escape.

I'm thinking your grow journal must have been like a red rag to a bull (red mullet to a penguin) and the red mist descended on the monks and they lost their shit.

It is so sad your place got ransacked and you lost your genetics,by consolation I'd be happy to send you some Auto Halibut seeds, it truly is an amazing smoke and I think you could handle the fishyness.

Get back up dust yourself down and start again, the monks won't be back they got what they came for.
And here is my very last bribe to eP.... Errrr.... gift..... Errrr.... contest entry, yeah that's it, my final contest entry !

Outdoor dirt eP "heads-up" strain Grow

There are 2 parts in this video showing the patented eP "heads-up" strain being grown outdoors in a regular backyard dirt garden.

Care and feeding is shown. Curing, processing, and consumption is shown.

Smoke report is the final shot in the vid.

(It's also my gift to any AFN members who have never seen this award winning hall of fame video for stoners)

OMGLMFAO :rofl: Fish head video :WTF: