I have been busy as fuck the last week or so, just now catchin up. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn @stepside I am going to call a foul on your nighttime shots, that just aint fair bro. Now I am trying to compare and I cant cause I keep comparing your like 4 to everyone elses, hahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahah @Fairlynew is still winning IMO though lol

@Margahooja glad to see you poking around the ole HBBSS grow off, you sir are in my sights BTW you and @Ronin have grown probably the best @mephisto gear yet annnnnd I am going to see what a little grow off do lol.stay tuned [HASHTAG]#projectdreamfarm[/HASHTAG]
Thanks derek. I haven't been too active the last few months, trying to get caught up on the threads. I've just started a couple HBSS and I'll probably get a thread started next week.
Restaurant life. I miss those days.
Don't you love when the wait staff cries about having to do so many doubles.

Waitress: "Like, omg, I had to work 4 doubles this week".
Chef: "you poor thing. Two, five hour shifts must be so tough"

8 hours or under, I always considered a day off. You really have to love food, or be completely insane.
Hmpf f :pass:
Thanks derek. I haven't been too active the last few months, trying to get caught up on the threads. I've just started a couple HBSS and I'll probably get a thread started next week.

sweet cant wait my friend and I am sending good karma your way.

@Eyeoftheworld I am guessing you were a waitress at some point lol
Ive been a server in a lot of places! I worked at the IHOP in pflugerville at one point... :pass:
I've also worked in several 4 and 5 star restaurants. I'm married to a CIA chef..

Your married to a CIA Chef ? :yoinks:
Here is a pic of my plant not my biggest HBSS I think I might have made a mistake lol JK She is going great I am very happy with this plant. And everyone is doing great. I have a lot of plants going so I am doing my best as usual I bit off a bit too much. I have to harvest a toof decay on day 55 just make some room oh the hardships LMAO

Ive been a server in a lot of places! I worked at the IHOP in pflugerville at one point... :pass:
I've also worked in several 4 and 5 star restaurants. I'm married to a CIA chef..

I did not intend to offend.
"waitresses"could just as easily be waiters. I have also waited tables many times. It's not easy work dealing with people all the time. It takes a certain breed of people for both jobs