Sorry bout night time pics but I been sampling the goods... Got blasted and forgot what I was doing...
Everyone's plants look great ! This is going to be so awesome.....
I love how these can change colors towards the end.
Really looking forward to that part of it, because you can actually see the Bubblegummy goodness coming out in the strain.
The leaves start getting pink from leeching, smells and looks incredible - the anticipation is almost as good as the flower itself. I can't wait !
I have been busy as fuck the last week or so, just now catchin up. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn @stepside I am going to call a foul on your nighttime shots, that just aint fair bro. Now I am trying to compare and I cant cause I keep comparing your like 4 to everyone elses, hahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaahah @Fairlynew is still winning IMO though lol

@Margahooja glad to see you poking around the ole HBBSS grow off, you sir are in my sights BTW you and @Ronin have grown probably the best @mephisto gear yet annnnnd I am going to see what a little grow off do lol.stay tuned [HASHTAG]#projectdreamfarm[/HASHTAG]
Quick textual update with the rest of the @mephisto seeds that were dropped: 1 Tyrone Special still no signs of life, shame, another one doing well. One other HBSS doing well. Both Skylar Whites are pretty tragic, one never shed its seed casing and went fuzzy mouldy quickly, the other's stem was too weak from the off, so she took a lie down. It is unfortunate, as seeds aren't cheap for a broke ass chef supporting a young family such as myself, but the first HBSS is gonna more than make up for it. Won't put me off buying @mephisto again.

Forgot to jump on the illuminauto train though. Boo. Probably for the best right now, I need to move house :D
If i was you I would be bringing her in at night and pour the light to her I would if I could.

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude you cant be giving away the secret like that hahahahahahhahaha, [HASHTAG]#NORESTFORAUTOS[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#24hoursoflight[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#nodarkness[/HASHTAG] #24/0
Updates tomorrow my loves, I promise.

13 day week :|


Restaurant life. I miss those days.
Don't you love when the wait staff cries about having to do so many doubles.

Waitress: "Like, omg, I had to work 4 doubles this week".
Chef: "you poor thing. Two, five hour shifts must be so tough"

8 hours or under, I always considered a day off. You really have to love food, or be completely insane.