Yeah bro - I have an allegiance to Mephisto. I've only ever dealt with 3 other breeders, two were from freebies. It's not like there's no one else putting out solid gear, but I've ran enough strains out to know what's what now. The boys on the farm have quality gear. You can see the quality right before your eyes, and it starts from seed. You gotta love Mitch's attitude! I don't care what anyone says, any measure of success Mephisto achieves, they've earned fair and square the old fashioned way.

fuck yeah dude!
Yeaster I just like to beat the seed companies intended marks. That alone makes me happy. I like these kind of get togethers for the comradery shooting the breeze having some laughs more than anything and it is a great learning process too. Nothing like being under a wee bit of pressure to perform at ones best. Thank you so much on the BOM NOM but there is some heavy duty huge dutch passion strains that are maxxed out. The closest I ever came to winning is this one though she will come one month though I hope.
Mephistos 24C holds a special place in my LUNGS what a smashing INDICA I have had my friends ask me for clones and get mad when I say I cannot hand out the special sauce secret but then again I do not go around asking for anyones strain I tell know one I grow autos they have no clue amongst my little tribe of relatives and close friends mine is the best constantly for over two years and 80% easy have been MEPHISTO gear, They know where to get original cuts from some really potent 1990's strains and KILL IT in a great way
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Update photo and I do belive this will be called WILMA is the biggest and healthiest but the all look healthy lol but I have to choose one and hope I have made the right call. Has anyone else besides me and yeaster have a plant picked for the comp?
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Nothing much to report. Plodding along in hempy bucket. Will get fed tomorrow.

I'll definitely be grabbing some of the Illuminautos, they sound amazing.

Nice Sick.
Light green seems to be common right out of the gate.
Is this an indication HBSS will be a hungry girl, and should be fed more, earlier?
I'm not sure bro. She's been just on tap water pretty much - all my hempys have had a week of flushing with tap water, as things started to pickle in the heat. Getting run off of 3.8! Haha. Turns out plants dont like being fed battery acid.

So, one dead plant (Green Crack) and two looking like they have herpes. ph is slowly returning to normal, so tomorrow will be first feed day in a while for everyone. Amnesia that's late in flower just shrugged it off, gave no fucks.

I would say fairly is dominating right now. Making me wanna get my airpots back out. Just fucking hated watering them, lol
Yeah I have to say with all the entries @Fairlynew is leading out of the gate, everyone is lookin great though keep it up guys!

Not to discredit, Team FairlyWilma, they're obviously no joke, but...for what it's worth, Team YeatserJenny, showed up 2 days later. We'll see what happens.

This morning, Team YeatsterJenny started ponytailing, to get those wee bits underneath exposed.
Seeing what Trapper did with his Street Sweeper, in the A-train vs Trapper battle. Plus, the fact that I prefer the looks of Eu Natural.
I'm not going for biggest yield, just sheer beauty.
I finished writing my acceptance speech. For the trophy win, of course.
Way to early to tell anything fred could come home not get his gin an tonic in time Wilma will get crushed You know how fred is about cocktail hour Yeaster I hope you win bro. This is for bragging rights but first and foremost shits and giggles