it sure is bro ,hope all good and i loved your plants so iv got a coulp of ICU#beans waiting to pop out ,as thery well look nice as a christmas tree ,so till later bro have a nice eveing
ok all just to keep me thead a live,with new update on me girls,well my Automaria is on day 68,She is just getting water form here out, so this be the last week for her,and my Duurty Dargon is on day 58,im going to run her for the full 10 weeks or till im happy with her, and she got some love buds going on in there, and my mi5 is on day 32,and she looking very nice,she got some nice bud site going on,so till up date again i leve you with some pictures,
the duurty dargon
sorry that picture not that good
the Automaria
Automaria low buds
the Mi5 iv just waiting for my lcu#3 dargon to show they tap root and then they be re-planted,so hope on my next update we have some more Dargon Kudo
the smell ok in there wiz or i use to it but when i get them out you smell a beautfull nice arom thanks guys for the likes :thumbs:,right im of to see me photo girls now see how they doing,
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