New Grower Eng. Growers next endulgence


LSTed Helen today and, fed her Cal-Mag Xtra and FloraGrow full strength.

LSTed Sally.
Yep, I hung my heater. It is just the right size for my tent (32"x32"x63") Sharper Image from Amazon with adjustable thermostat. Not digital just a bar but I got temps up 10 degrees last night. And can still lower the temp or raise it. Was $37.

The girls look fantastic! Thriving nicely! We are starting week 5.
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Helen G. Glue was fed again. She is drinking a gallon every 2 days.

These photos show Gertie G. Glue before LSTing and then the whole group, 4 plants, 2 KrippleBerries and 2 Gorilla Glues. And, of course my Solo Cup disaster might still be alive. :meds: LOL

Here they are after all the LSTing. They look fine. This is day 35 for Helen G. Glue obviously the largest plant. No blooms yet but she looks ready to sprout them soon!

Sallie KrippleBerry in the front to the right is on day 36 and because of my ph problem I had she is behind.

Gertie G. Glue is on the left. She is on day 33. A little bigger. Not surprised after seeing how healthy of a plant the first one has shown to be so far!
Are you doing heavy defoliation?

Some heavy on Heleh G. Glue, the largest plant. The other 2 in coco suffered my ph blunder. And the last I started was another KrippleBerry I put in a small pot as a backup due to the first Kripp. was looking bad. It will become my small pot experiment. The others have had leaves removed but only ones that turn yellow.