Indoor Elle's Experiments

OK here's an update, two weeks since the last one. Temps in the tent running at around 29C. It actually gets warmer in there if I leave the doors open...
View attachment 927528
I've now supercropped the Widows again, they do seem to love it.

2 litre bottles over on the right, I've updated my entry but in case you're not following it here she is:
View attachment 927529

And finally the experiment - a definite success and one I can progress with further down the line:
View attachment 927530
The white ring indicates the original plant. Blue (at the back), yellow and purple are all grafted on. All of them are Sweet Seeds but I have no idea what they are as they were from a mixed mystery pack. As a second attempt at grafting I'm thrilled with it!

Yes I'm an untidy person, I don't think I'm ever going to change LOL.
Very cool[emoji106] I've been wanting to do this myself.. Can't wait to see how your experiment comes out good luck with this I'll be watching.[emoji481][emoji482]

OK here's an update, two weeks since the last one. Temps in the tent running at around 29C. It actually gets warmer in there if I leave the doors open...
View attachment 927528
I've now supercropped the Widows again, they do seem to love it.

2 litre bottles over on the right, I've updated my entry but in case you're not following it here she is:
View attachment 927529

And finally the experiment - a definite success and one I can progress with further down the line:
View attachment 927530
The white ring indicates the original plant. Blue (at the back), yellow and purple are all grafted on. All of them are Sweet Seeds but I have no idea what they are as they were from a mixed mystery pack. As a second attempt at grafting I'm thrilled with it!

Yes I'm an untidy person, I don't think I'm ever going to change LOL.
Hey Elle looks great in there!! That whole grafting thing is wild for marijuana, never have witnessed anybody trying it for weed!! Kudos Dave
Now clever......WOW!!!......Grafting diff strains on to another plant:muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha::muahaha:........will the grafted on take over the character of the original????.....or will they continue as individuals????.....never even heard of this....totally interested tho:joy:

EDIT:..forgot to say great job :bow::bow::bow:
Cheers Vapo! :bighug:I saw a video on youtube about it, although he said he'd "fluxed" his, whatever that meant. He had 14 strains on one plant. With the fact that we're not legal here, I thought it a great way to keep good quality photos on one mother. This was literally just a test to see how easy it was. Yes, I fully expect them to keep their own characteristics, but once I have named varieties I can test that out.

super growth from last update :thumbsup: 2L rocking :headbang:
ive no idea what you doing but interesting stuff :smoking:i know they do it with fruit n veg.
good luck n keep er lit
Thanks archie! :bighug:Yeah they're loving life aren't they? So happy with them! Yes, they do it with fruit so as I had a load of unknown seeds I decided to give it a go. It strikes me that it's a cool way to keep clones available without having separate mothers.

Very cool[emoji106] I've been wanting to do this myself.. Can't wait to see how your experiment comes out good luck with this I'll be watching.[emoji481][emoji482]
It wasn't too hard - I tried a whip graft first but they all failed. The second one was a v-type graft and it was a success. They are special grafting clips off ebay (cheap though) and PTFE tape to help keep the moisture/sap in while the two pieces grow together. Obviously you can't do it with autos LOL. Thanks for the encouragement! :bighug:

Hey Elle looks great in there!! That whole grafting thing is wild for marijuana, never have witnessed anybody trying it for weed!! Kudos Dave
Cheers Dave, really appreciate the rep too.:bighug: It was a bit nerve-wracking waiting to see if they took, as the first try was a fail LOL.

Wow Elle you're turning into a regular botanist - I never ever thought about grafting weed
Mum's a keen plant grower (not this plant, but ordinary ones) so I think I must have the gene in there somewhere. She's propagated some of her expensive stuff in a few unusual ways so there was a touch of the "why the hell not" to the whole thing! Thanks for the compliment! :bighug:
Right like you said man about keeping they're characteristics man if they do that I can knock a whole lot of plants down to just two or three plants mothers with all kinds of varieties on them and being able to take clones off from those that would be a freaking amazing that would ease up so much space in my grow house.
Again good luck I hope it works out cuz I'm going to follow you if it does.[emoji482]

Fookin ELLE!

Nice work luv. The tent is on its way to a massive harvest and the experimentals... whoa!

I hope all the grafts keep their original characteristics... that’d be soooo awesome. [emoji41]
Cheers Vlad :bighug:yeah I need to test them out but it's a bit hard when I don't know what they're supposed to be LOL.

I'll have to have another go with named ones!

@Growtogrow I'll make sure I tag you in!
Superb Elle and bloody well done.

I tried grafting and failed in hydro in my photoperiod days. I predict that the grafts will keep their characteristics........:cool1:

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