
All about those Autos!!
Aug 2, 2022
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Currently Smoking
Cosmic Crisp
Hello AFN,

I just had a quick question about maintaining grow while working a full time job.

As a new grower I became skeptical and also had thoughts about growing when I return back to work. But honestly this is my forever passion and I wont let a 9-5 stop me so I just need some advice on what are some of you guys ways of doing this if you also work?
Please help this amateur out!!! :smoking: Happy growing!!:vibe:
Without getting into hydro etc, I would reverse the day-night, where your plant is sleeping while you work, less chances of things going wrong when you are not there.
Agree with Talon, I had my plants sleep from 6a-2p while I worked and it kept my personal schedule flexible. I prefer to wait 2 hours minimum before I feed so it worked out that they ate right after I did haha. But the key is them being awake when you’re home in my opinion. Good luck man!
Agree with Talon, I had my plants sleep from 6a-2p while I worked and it kept my personal schedule flexible. I prefer to wait 2 hours minimum before I feed so it worked out that they ate right after I did haha. But the key is them being awake when you’re home in my opinion. Good luck man!
Thanks bro!! And I will consider doing this since I work from 7:30-4 so that’s perfect time for sleep :pass:
Hello AFN,

I just had a quick question about maintaining grow while working a full time job.

As a new grower I became skeptical and also had thoughts about growing when I return back to work. But honestly this is my forever passion and I wont let a 9-5 stop me so I just need some advice on what are some of you guys ways of doing this if you also work?
Please help this amateur out!!! :smoking: Happy growing!!:vibe:

Irrigation system has never hurt anyone. Auto pots, easy valve, blumats, etc. Irrigation isn't limited to hydroponic applications.
i have my light off most of the day when I’m out and I do organics so I just really water and top dress here and there
I work generally 7-6, 6 days a week. Automated watering and a daily shopvac for drainage is where I'm at currently. I do a daily 30sec shopvac and fill the rez once a week. I think living soil is by far the least time sensitive and most forgiving way I've tried so far
If the question is what is the easiest (least time-intensive) system, I would think Autopots with a water-only organic soil grow. Fair warning: I have no experience with this type of system yet (Autopots, los, but not the two together) but will be starting one soon. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
If the question is what is the easiest (least time-intensive) system, I would think Autopots with a water-only organic soil grow. Fair warning: I have no experience with this type of system yet (Autopots, los, but not the two together) but will be starting one soon. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Okay for sure when you start it make sure to post updates I’ll tag along thanks man!!