Grow Mediums DWC Temps Inside Bucket


IceWater Mephisto x2 ( Journal )
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blackberry Kush
Hey dudes was hoping someone could shine some light on me. I want to know how can I keep my water temps down ? Without spending 600$ on a chiller for a few buckets I got going . I've heard of the frozen water bottle or ice pack idea . Any ideas guys ? Much appreciated sincerely BaKed lol
I luckily have my buckets direct on concrete and it holds temps under the 70's Days where it has gone up over 72ish I drop a water bottle that is frozen inside. Before that I had Tube coiled in a bucket inside a mini fridge. Same way I chilled my rigs during extreme over clocking back in the day before I got a ln2 setup.
I have bucket temps in the low 80's during the early parts of my grows. I give ZERO fucks about the high temps. Botanicare's Hydroguard keeps me safe!
I luckily have my buckets direct on concrete and it holds temps under the 70's Days where it has gone up over 72ish I drop a water bottle that is frozen inside. Before that I had Tube coiled in a bucket inside a mini fridge. Same way I chilled my rigs during extreme over clocking back in the day before I got a ln2 setup.
Hey thanks for reply I'm on concrete to and I'm at 75 degrees . Is that ok ??? Do you think a frozen pop bottle touching roots will be ok ? Don't want to shock girls obv.
I have bucket temps in the low 80's during the early parts of my grows. I give ZERO fucks about the high temps. Botanicare's Hydroguard keeps me safe!
Oh ya . I just seen there carrying that at my local grow store .